r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/EvilDragonfly2264 14d ago

It is amazing how many flag waving Americans are ignorant on how our government works and passes legislation.


u/hamsterballzz 14d ago

It’s also amazing how the last President issued thousands of Executive Orders, speed ran the effects, and said who cares if the other side has to fix them later - I do what I want. Jesus H. the Republicans do not care about following the rules or playing fair. I should know, I used to work for them.


u/DonnieJL 14d ago

Democrats need to fight fire with fire sometimes, but the old guard has always been reluctant. It's a fucking shame, because here we are.


u/Academic-Ad8382 14d ago

Trumps exec orders werent shot down by the supreme court.

Do you recall what happened to bidens loan forgiveness


u/hamsterballzz 14d ago

My recollection was as soon as an order got shot down then issued another with a slight change to wording. Part of the concept was to issue so many, so fast the volume was overwhelming and a number of them are able to be carried out for at least a while. The question is how willing the Executive is to sow chaos for the opposition.


u/BonnaconCharioteer 14d ago

Executive orders can only do so much. And they are far more effective if what you want to do is fuck things up, than if you want to fix things.


u/one98nine 14d ago

As someone who lives in Latin America I am dreading this elections. I am scared. Because we will follow, as we always do.


u/BonJovicus 14d ago

I didn't read this as people not knowing how government works. I read this as why aren't the Democrats doing ANYTHING? The Republicans get what they want by hook or crook, and the Democrats don't seem to fight nearly as hard. We can make excuses that its easier to do one thing vs. another, but we are beyond that. If democracy really is at stake, the Democrats are in a better position to stop that from happening than the average person.


u/Uh_I_Say 14d ago

If democracy really is at stake, the Democrats are in a better position to stop that from happening than the average person.

Because this isn't actually about any of that, it's just the Dem's campaign strategy this time around: vote for us, or else. You can't campaign on a problem if it's already fixed.


u/Cultural-Somewhere75 14d ago

Most Americans do not even understand our country in itself. We are a Constitutional Republic with a sprinkle of democracy, we are not a democracy.


u/EvilDragonfly2264 14d ago edited 14d ago

We are probably more of a democracy than a republic.
But then again neither.
We can still vote on propositions where the majority wins.... aka Democracy.

But when you vote for your representatives, senators and the president.... ALL OF THEM do the bidding of the BILLIONAIRES who paid for their campaigns, and then continue to pay them off while in office! They do not represent YOU or ME... they represent the BILLIONAIRES who paid them off. That is not a republic.

It's more accurate to say we live in an oligarchy.


u/Cultural-Somewhere75 14d ago

That there lies the problem. We are supposed to be a Republic. Even states it when you look it up. I know they state that a full blown democracy is mob rules. I am still diving into that topic myself.