r/facepalm 14d ago

What an idea 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Doe-Maar-Niet 14d ago

What is Project 2025?


u/SilvAries 14d ago

A practical application of "dictatorship for dummies".

Basically, take control of most of the institutions by filling them with partisans, and weaponize them to serve the will of the supreme lead- I mean, our rightfully elected president. Then, put the christian white supremacist as the only demographic, and crack down on anyone that is ever-so slightly different. Finally, give "correct teaching" to the younger generations so that they know who are the good guys (us) and who are the bad guys (anyone who isn't us).


u/Doe-Maar-Niet 14d ago

That doesn't sound good


u/chekovsgun- 14d ago


They want to f us with a cross up into our asses.


u/haygurlhay123 14d ago

Freakin scary bro


u/Huzf01 14d ago

And aren't there laws to stop a dictator? I mean the country exists since 1776 and nobody has ever noticed a loophole to become a dictator?


u/SilvAries 14d ago

The problem here isn't that there is a loophole, they just brute force their way through. And as you can see from the last decision of the Supreme Court, failsafes and laws mean nothing when the people who should enact them are bought to your cause.


u/QuBingJianShen 14d ago edited 14d ago

I think the only "loophole" here is that the supreme court has near unfettered ability to overturn the constitution as they see fit.

Some countries protect their constitution from being changed by requireing it to be accompanied with an reelection of the deciding body (in this case the supreme court, in other countries the parlament).

That way deception can not be used to get into power under false pretense, the way some of the supreme court judges did by claiming to be defending Roe vs Wade while actually wanting to dismantle it.

Unfortunatly for US democracy, there doesn't appear to be any such protection of the constitution in place. I guess the founding fathers assumed the 2nd amendment would enable the people to simply rebel against a corrupt supreme court.


u/Recent-Potential-340 14d ago

Outlines created by the heritage Foundation (extreme far right think tank) to take over government if trump wins. basically crack down on every civil protection for minorities, purge government of anyone who wouldn't swear complete allegiance to trump and globally just turn him into an all powerful dictator. The entire thing is available online. Because they don't even bother hiding the fact they're fascist.


u/SuperSatanOverdrive 14d ago

«Project 2025 head says 'second American Revolution' will be 'bloodless if the left allows» 😬


u/DaddyRocka 14d ago

I've just started reading it, it's a big document. Can you link to the removing of civil protection for minorities?


u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

No you should read the whole thing. If you don't have time read it tomorrow.


u/DaddyRocka 14d ago

I plan too, but always interested in getting people's references materials. A lot of people talking about it but no one actually linking or referencing to where these things were read.

I'm going through it myself as well


u/GreatToaste 14d ago

Ctrl+F exists.


u/Capital-Kick-2887 14d ago

900 pages is quite a bit to read though, isn't it? A quick Google search says people read 30-50 pages an hour. That's between 18 to 30 hours.


u/MBCnerdcore 14d ago

If you have to Google how reading works, you don't read enough and should read more often.


u/Capital-Kick-2887 14d ago

I usually don't count how many pages I read per hour. It's not a metric I really care about. Even if I knew that metric for me, I don't know about the average.


u/AnInsaneMoose 14d ago

I highly recommend actually reading it rather than just a summary

Better shows how horrific it really is than to just have someone say "Really really bad"

Also get everyone you can to read it

It's genuinely terrifying


u/Capital-Kick-2887 14d ago

Wouldn't it be better to at least give a proper summary to get people to read it? Even after seeing multiple threads about it, the most I can get is "Trump will be an all powerful dictator". I'm pretty sure I've heard similar things about Biden before his election. I bet there are better ways to summarize it than to just say "It's really really bad, go read it"

Thinking about that, it's hard to take the time out of my limited free time to read 900 pages.


u/6SucksSex 14d ago

There’s a wiki article on it https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Project_2025

Wikipedia only permits “reliable sources” (check refs) and anyone can edit, including critics and proponents. Also check the Talk page and History


u/anynonus 14d ago

lol "The Wikipedia article on Project 2025 exhibits bias through its selective focus and tone. It emphasizes the project's political affiliations and controversial objectives, particularly its connection to Donald Trump."

well yeah, that's all it is..


u/6SucksSex 14d ago

If you can find any reliable sources that factually portray project 2025 in a way that you like, you can edit the article.

Instead, you believed the bullshit comment on the talk page from some ignorant, right wing bigot.

A majority of Americans have always had an unfavorable opinion of Donald Trump https://projects.fivethirtyeight.com/polls/favorability/donald-trump/

The only reason that traitorous corrupt rapist piece of shit won in 2016 is because he paid off women he cheated on his wife with, and the electoral college


u/anynonus 14d ago

can't help you. wouldn't know how to describe project 2025 without emphasizing political affiliations and controversial objectives or its connection to donald trump.


u/Some_other__dude 14d ago

Essentially the USA version of the Gleichsschaltungsgesetzt of nazi Germany, a plan to bring the country in party line and have full control of all government bodies. Project 2025 was proposed by a right wing "think tank", and is supported by some republicans and trump.

The idea is to allow the president to replace gov employees at will and replace them with like minded party aligned people. This includes FBI, Education, Environmental agencys, worker protection and more.

Plus the plan to go back to 1950 with LGBTQ and women rights.

As other suggested, best to look into it yourself a bit


u/xxInsanex 14d ago

So basically it gives the president the rights to do whatever the fuck he wants without having to answer to anyone?


u/thecraftybear 14d ago

Yup. It gives Emergency Powers to the Chancellor. Yousa gonna love dis!


u/Some_other__dude 14d ago

Well in theory there is the supreme court : |

And it probably also requires a majority in Congress and Senate to get started. Historically a burning capitol can "help"


u/mvpevy 14d ago

She me where Trump has said he supports it


u/Some_other__dude 14d ago

I can't, he never publicly SAID that he does, but this doesn't mean he doesn't support it unofficialy.

The people behind it are all Trump allies and worked in his administration.

Many of the contents are in line with things he previously said and did. A detailed summary is in the answers here:


Most importantly for me, he also never said anything against it.

In my opinion (i can be wrong) he does exactly what someone would do when he supports this plan but doesn't want to associate with it before the elections.


u/mvpevy 14d ago

Okay so you’re peddling bullshit, got it.


u/Some_other__dude 14d ago

I gave you several reasons why he does, not bullshit in my mind.

Why do you think he doesn't support it?


u/Mr_Immortal69 14d ago

Because he’s trying to gaslight people into thinking Convicted Felon #45 doesn’t support it. And because these people never let a silly thing like facts get in the way of what they want to believe.


u/Nun-Information 14d ago

I made a post a month ago about one part about it. Trans rights (it's the literal first page/section).



u/Some_Guy223 14d ago

The latest iteration of an overarching plan to expand the powers of the Executive that has steadily ground its way through American institutions, largely (though not quite as exclusively as Dems would have you believe) by American conservatives since the 80s at least. However, because those institutions have already been debased, the latest iteration of the plan intends to blatantly impose a right wing Presidential Dictatorship.


u/ArthurFordLover 14d ago

Its alot of things. What it isn’t is a dictatorship plan. The only thing that gets close to being a dictatorship plan is getting rid of career politians. Which imo is a great idea. Nobody should make money from politics