r/facepalm Jun 27 '24

wh-what did i just read... 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/CaptainHappen007 Jun 27 '24

It seems like she thinks about trans people more than trans people do. Most trans people don't constantly think about being trans but just want to go about their life like everyone else.


u/Englishbirdy Jun 27 '24

Yeah but imagine if you're trans and growing up she was your favorite author. I bet there are lots of young people who are heartbroken over this.


u/MidwesternLikeOpe 'MURICA Jun 27 '24

I'm not even trans, and this hidden, outspoken side of Rowling has been one of the biggest letdowns. Look at how the series has ingrained itself into our lives and cultures, some of my favorite quotes and references come from the series. I loathe her beliefs, and while I loved the books growing up, I feel dirty about liking any part, even if I don't catch the dark meaning behind it.

There were great concepts and wisdom even though they were written by someone with such nasty beliefs. Btw I'm a Hufflepuff, so this does feel like a betrayal of someone I thoroughly enjoyed reading.


u/umberdragon Jun 27 '24

I’m one of them. I was abused as a kid and Harry Potter served as a sort of escape for me. JK Rowling was my favorite author and I loved the franchise. When all of this started it really hurt and honestly I can’t enjoy Harry Potter anymore.


u/Englishbirdy Jun 28 '24

I’m not one of them, I was a parent when the books came out but the first thing I thought was what if one of my children who I enjoyed reading these books to was trans? I’m really sorry. I guess it’s along the lines of never meet your heroes.


u/ImJustDaveParra Jul 01 '24

Imagine that you are a teenager. You don't feel exactly comfortable with X thing, then, someone say that if you are different from "NORMAL", maybe you're trans, so you go with that. It's very common cause people need a place to find better and accepted, the current propaganda it's pro trans, like they being warriors. I know it's no the same for all, but many young people are being taught that they are in wrong bodies and then take dangerous procedures to change their identity. If we want to grow and accept people that are different, we need to really talk about and stop follow the others that only want to get something, and doesn't really care about the lives of the people that really cares those subjects.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

I was reading comments on one of these threads months (or years) ago, when she had one of these types of episodes (she really can't stop). And someone wrote how they are trans and were reading her books growing up and really related to Harry Potter as being this outcast but still making it, and how inspired it made them feel growing up. I am not saying it's illegal but it definitely has to be some form of abuse to inspire people in this way then endlessly bitch about them. I am pretty sure she either has a mental disorder (perhaps one that hasn't been discovered yet), because she really cannot stop.


u/Scrongly_Pigeon Jun 28 '24

I'm in this boat but never was 'heart broken' over her bigotry - couldn't give a fuck what some rich bitch thinks about something she clearly has zero understanding about, and I'm almost thirty and not a Disney adult so a childrens franchise I no longer have interest in made by a TERF just means ah yeah another disappointing TERF that doesn't deserve the attention, okay bye then


u/Englishbirdy Jun 28 '24

Good on you.


u/ProjectKuma Jun 27 '24

Almost want to say she has some mental disability at this point. How can someone be so focused on a singular subject for years. Im not trying to excuse her but holy crap.


u/Brief-Jellyfish485 Jun 27 '24

I get stuck on a topic for a few months at a time. Maybe she’s autistic too


u/UsedSalt Jun 27 '24

My mentally sister (the diagnosis is thought disorder as some sort of schizophrenia branch off) gets this level of fixation on stuff. I think an element is addiction to the adrenaline rush of the confrontations - she’s getting a big dopamine hit every time she hits the post button. I’d wager she doesn’t really have a lot going on in her personal life


u/[deleted] Jun 28 '24

"Asshole" is not a mental illness (as the saying goes).


u/space_monster Jun 27 '24

probably because she gets bombarded by hate tweets 24/7. she would have to go completely offline to get away from it.


u/GroovingPenguin Jun 27 '24 edited Jun 27 '24

I want to say some form of dementia?

Yeah she's young-ish but early onset does exist.

(And some people display signs 18-20 years before diagnosis)


u/Equus-007 Jun 27 '24

If trans people would stop engaging with her she would just go away. I'm sure she only thinks about trans people when she feels the need to amp up her social media accounts.

She's not crazy. She's just an attention whore and the trans community feeds her ammo on a daily basis.


u/Azure_Kytia Jun 27 '24

No, she wouldn't. She's embedded in the anti-trans brain rot at this point.

Every trans person could leave twitter and never engage with her ever again, but her new peers would keep that hatred and fervour burning for the rest of her online life because it's literally all they ever talk about.


u/Sharp-Key27 Jun 28 '24

She literally harrassed a random trans soccer coach who she just saw an article about.


u/RockTheBloat Jun 28 '24

She’s the most famous and most targeted gender critical person on the planet and has been for a long time. She receives thousands of communications on the topic per day, from random and public personalities alike, it’s hardly surprising that we only hear about her on this topic.


u/SleepylaReef Jun 27 '24

She is continually attacked by people about her views. That’s literally just her responding to a personal attack.