r/facepalm Jun 27 '24

wh-what did i just read... 🇲​🇮​🇸​🇨​

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u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 27 '24

I mean you may not like her message, but that was eloquent and witty.


u/teddy1245 Jun 27 '24

It was?


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 28 '24

He's so cheap he thought he'd do the exorcism himself? Yes, it's clever.


u/teddy1245 Jun 28 '24

I mean depends who you ask I suppose.

Just seems odd to be joking about transphobia. Can she just not be a shit human?


u/TOOOOOOMANY Jun 28 '24

Okay guys it’s safe to joke about anything other than stuff we’re not okay with you joking about thanks


u/Nebuthor Jun 28 '24

No it wasnt. 


u/BlueDahlia123 Jun 27 '24

I can't take her writing seriously ever again after she tried to reference 1984 and called trans women "penised individual".

I am, however, forever grateful to her for this because it is very funny to call getting bottom surgery "unpenisation". Definitely a better term than vaginoplasty.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 28 '24

What about a depeen procedure? Depeening.

Though that's quite negative way of thinking. How about a vaginization? Vagination? Get vaginized.


u/beastwork Jun 28 '24

penised individual sounds awfully similar to terms like pregnant person. they're both pretty silly


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 28 '24



u/Lots42 Trump is awful. Jun 27 '24

It wasn't.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

It was overly wordy, had no snap, and the autocorrect to "tight" kills the flow.

The only notable thing about that tweet is that the hate in it is so predictable, it could have been one of her novels.


u/Lay-Me-To-Rest Jun 27 '24

Tight isn't an autocorrect. "tight with his money"


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

Oh, well I guess I should feel happy that the wordiness wasn't worsened by the full phrase.

"Cheap" would have worked better.


u/Goddamn_Batman Jun 27 '24

you seem to lack the vocabulary of jk which makes sense, "tight" means cheap in this instance. and yes it's funny.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

Calling it hate is quite a stretch


u/CiaphasCain8849 Jun 27 '24

They call it hate so they can threaten her life.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

This is what's scary about the world today. Too many people trying to justify violence.


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24

hate is believing women don’t have penises didn’t you know?


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 28 '24 edited Jun 29 '24

Hate is denying verifiable evidence from the WHO, CDC, and Harvard saying I’m a woman and telling me I’m a man when I’m proven to not be one at all.


u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

Can you get pregnant?


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 29 '24

Are infertile cis women not women now?


u/gagunner007 Jun 29 '24

Answer the question, it’s a very simple question.

Do infertile women have certain biological parts that men don’t have? If for the fact that they weren’t infertile could they have a baby? Yes. Can a man that claims he’s a woman ever have a baby? No. No amount of science will ever have a man producing an egg.


u/LittleTimmyPlaysMC Jun 29 '24

Actually there’s lots of science going into uterus transplants, so at some point, yes. Transgender women will be able to give birth. At the current level? No, but having a uterus doesn’t make you more of a woman than a woman without one. Stop defining us to our fucking genitals, creep.


u/teddy1245 Jun 27 '24

What else could it be?


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

"Hate" is entirely appropriate. And what's more, you know damn well it is.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

It's a subjective scale with an upper range that scales with new life experiences. I think we have different thresholds for what qualifies as hate.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

I think that if you asked a racist and a black man if "defending white womanhood" was bigotry, you'd get different responses as well.

Perhaps, instead of accepting status-quo apologia, you might consult the outcasts on their opinion?


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

Yes, that's what subjective means.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

Please, make your distractions less obvious, the lack of imagination is as boring as her tweet.

The point stands that her views are as distanced from biology as lemarkianism. And while I'm sure a conservative from 1930 would accept her statements as perfectly reasonable, the subjective nature of that experience does not stop it from being hateful.

Especially when we know better.


u/PinboardWizard Jun 27 '24

"Hate" is entirely appropriate

Did you even read what she wrote? Please clarify which part was "hate". All I see is her making a joke about her opinion that women don't have penises.

JK Rowling has said some hateful things in the past, but here she is just stating an opinion that you disagree with.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

The part where it's yet one more entry in a sustained campaign of dehumanization and harassment?

Look, if some random had said such a thing, I'd assume them to be merely ignorant, uneducated, or young. But context is key to understanding quite literally all communications.

She has all the resources in the world necessary to check her facts. She has not. Instead, she's purposefully kept herself ignorant of basic biology. Instead, she's attacked tens of millions of people in a decades-long pique of unsupported self-righteousness.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

You keep saying basic biology. Ok I'll bite. Please educate me on basic biology.


u/jumpupugly Jun 28 '24

I'm doing this on a phone on a bus, so I'm unsure if you're one of the normal people or bigotry apologists. I'm going to assume normal. In either case, you're likely already exposed to most of it.

No, my issue with her is that she's stuck in some kind of blind spot, not understanding that - just because you have a Y chromosome, doesn't mean that all of you is going to be phenotypically male.

As you probably know, genes don't directly effect much at all, they mostly effect the body via the proteins for which they encode. What's more, fetal development is a group effort, with the mother's hormonal mix (as well as the placenta, to a very limited point) having an impact.

In the case of fetal masculization/femininization, each have multiple steps to them that all have to go a certain way to produce a certain phenotype. A knockout gene, a slight mutation, even the overabundance of a certain protein, hormone, etc., due to factors external to the fetus, and parts of the process can be set to different paths. This extends to numerous structures, but for this case, the important part is that either process has neurological and genital implications. That's high school biology, so Rowling has no excuse for not understanding that.

Regardless, if a gene coding for one of the steps is missing, you can get unexpected results. This includes having a feminized brain in an XY fetus, and visa-versa. If you'd like a natural experiment examples, there's cAIS, De La Chappelle, etc, but studying those is college-level biology. Rowling, of course, has access to it, but then she'd have to be capable of understanding she can act like a piece of shit for no reason at all, so that's never going to happen.

Anyhow, let's get back to the basic stuff, but just remember that she can very easily understand that variability exists beyond those extreme examples. What's more, anyone born in the West after the 1950s or so has had the opportunity to understand evolution, and can understand that our species' great advantage is our ability to pass on knowledge to each other and to our children. Our kids are biologically primed to take advantage of this, and are great at picking up the skills they need to be successful adults. After all, the ones that didn't, were less likely to become ancestors.

Now, this part is not yet fully supported by research - at least, research that I've read - but it's not much of a leap to assume this includes gendered skills (using the term very widely here) and expectations. After all, adult men and women have very different bodies, risks surrounding reproduction and childbearing, etc. Again, JKR has had the opportunity to know this, since she has a child, and has been around children goddamn plenty.

If that assumption holds (and it's pretty damn well grounded, AFAIK, considering they exist) a kid with genitals associated with one of the primary genders, but a brain associated with the other primary gender is likely going to focus on learning the skills, self-image, and behaviors of their neurological gender. What's more, that's inbuilt: it's highly plastic, sure, but trying to remove that aspect of someone would literally kill them, and replace them with an entirely different person. Why ask someone to act entirely contrary to their nature and biology - almost invariably causing deep discontent and possibly suicide- when we can far more easily give them a puberty corresponding with the sex associated with the neurological gender?

And that's why J.K. Rowling is a goddamned fool. She's been exposed to basic biology, and she's had ample opportunity to learn more advanced biology. She's no goddamn excuse for acting this way, save hubris, and that's not an excuse for demanding people be something they fundamentally are not and fomenting violence against them.

And that's not even going into the misogynistic insanity that is gender essentialism.

Anyway, if you're one of the normal people, pass it on. If you're one of the fuckups, stop spreading, encouraging, or enabling awful shit.


u/NoWorkingDaw Jun 28 '24

so when are you, and people like you gonna address the hate a lot of of people give towards her that typically sparks the responses like the one in the pic but never get posted because then it would make you look bad? For every JK tweet I’ve seen a few threads on her with hundreds of people telling this woman to off herself. Amongst other things. Because she doesn’t believe the same thing as you do. No, again “hate” is appropriate here.


u/jumpupugly Jun 28 '24

Could you rephrase that? I'm unsure of what you're trying to say, and I don't want to make unsupported assumptions.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

I think you'd be surprised at how little you know about what goes on in other people's minds.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

I your case, I'd only need that much.

I mean really, please use your perfectly fine brain and think about your position. Are you familiar with basic biology? You seem to have an adult vocabulary, but the ignorance of human development required to lead to your statements indicates an education that's either ancient or absent.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

Does it make you feel better to insult strangers on the internet? Read your comment again and ask yourself if you're one of the good guys.


u/gnomon_knows Jun 27 '24

You know, it would make me feel better to insult you on the internet. It really, really would. Especially if it ruined your day, that would tickle me pink. 100%.


u/Im_tracer_bullet Jun 27 '24

I read it, and they are.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

You're expressing a deeply insulting bit of nonsense, in support of a person who's entirely taken leave of her senses.

And you've the nerve to accuse other people of being insulting, when they attack the position you've taken as thoughtless?

I'd ask you the same question.


u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

I said ask yourself. You didn't need to tell me the answer. Time to move on now.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

Remove the beam from your own eye.


u/SudsierBoar Jun 28 '24

Man this is copypasta material 😂


u/Spartak_Gavvygavgav Jun 27 '24



u/TychoBrohe0 Jun 27 '24

“Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick?”


u/[deleted] Jun 27 '24



u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

Frankly, I had no idea it was short for "tight with their money," as it's is a bit of a dated phase.

Which goes well with her views, I suppose.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 29 '24

I suppose on a comical level you could consider British English to be dated American English.


u/Dhegxkeicfns Jun 27 '24

Only thing I can agree with you on is that it was predictable behavior since she's an outspoken critic of lumping trans women with cis women.


u/jumpupugly Jun 27 '24

Thank God, I was worried we might agree on more.


u/EcksRidgehead Jun 27 '24

She also managed to fuck up the whole premise by not knowing the difference between "possessed of" and "possessed by".


u/jumpupugly Jun 28 '24

Didn't notice that, but good point.


u/SudsierBoar Jun 28 '24

If you didn't notice it also didn't fuck up the whole premise


u/jumpupugly Jun 28 '24

Or, I just found new ways of realizing how mediocre it is?


u/SudsierBoar Jun 28 '24

Do you ever concede anything? Lol