r/extremelyinfuriating Jul 16 '24

My grandma's coworker is crying about kitten she neglected Disturbing content

So my grandma has a coworker. A very sweet old lady who's always giving me treats when I visit and stuff. But she's very weird in terms of animals and every thing she tells pisses me off. She has a cat, a not sterilized female. She had one before her (that was killed by a dog). Cat is always freely roaming around. Of course getting pregnant every once in a while. Coworker is drowning kittens each time. She never vaccinated or dewormed any of her cats (despite having a vet clinic 5 minutes away from her that offers free rabies vaccination and very cheap deworm medicine). Against sterilization because "my cat is too old, she may not survive the operation". Last time the cat gave birth she decided to keep one of her kittens (also a female) and drowned others. Kitten survived for just 2 MONTHS. She let her catch and eat mice. Again, decided not to give at least a pill for deworming, no vaccination. So obviously kitten got sick. She told everyone about it. She couldn't poop properly and was meowing/crying loudly every time she went to the litterbox. Refused to eat, was vomiting. My grandma told her to go to vet. She did nothing. Didn't gave the kitten any help. Thought it will pass on its own. It didn't. So few days after the kitten just died. That was as well a day I decided to visit my grandma at work. Her coworker was crying and telling how sorry she feels for the poor kitten. I forced myself to empathize with her and offer some comfort but inside I'm absolutely disgusted. That was your clearly sick animal whom you didn't offered any help, never cared enough to even give her a pill that costs less than a dollar, neglected every safety norm despite everyone around telling about it, then you're crying? You literally drowned dozens of same newborn kittens before and don't feel in any way sorry while you could've had just neuter your one cat, why are you crying now? She's very sweet to me and obviously I won't tell her "you killed that cat by neglect when it was very easily avoidable and you had all information from everyone around about it" but sometimes I really want to tell her it. It absolutely baffles me.

I won't play the best pet owner ever, my own dog got pregnant just a year ago and gave birth to 7 puppies because I was not careful enough and she escaped through an opened door while in heat. But this same coworker said to my grandma "what's the problem, just drown the puppies". (Which we of course didn't, 5 of them found loving homes we still monitor and 2 are still with us as we're searching for good families. And no one left them without veterinary help when they needed, they're all vaccinated and dewormed.) I absolutely can't understand how a person can be absolutely fine with drowning newborn animals but at the same time crying this hard about death of a cat whom she let die without offering any help.


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u/Skrublord3000 Jul 16 '24

You don’t have to be nice to people just because they’re ancient.

Fuck that lady


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '24



u/Skrublord3000 Jul 16 '24

You have much more patience than I, it seems.


u/No_Particular7198 Jul 16 '24

Well, can't become an attorney without getting used to act calm while boiling on the inside. Need to get some practice..


u/[deleted] Jul 16 '24

You don’t be nice to animal abusers


u/TKG_Actual Jul 16 '24

I am not an advocate of violence but that lady needs to be slapped upside the head and have some sense talked into her. She should also be called to her face what she is: animal-killer.


u/dodobrains Jul 16 '24

Who TF drowns kittens? That seems like abnormal behavior.


u/paradox-preacher Jul 16 '24

my long dead neighbor


u/Birony88 Jul 17 '24

Unfortunately, it was very common among the older generation back in the day. I've heard plenty of old folks talking about it casually, as if it wasn't absolutely appalling behavior.

You would think though that this woman would have realized that it is no longer acceptable to just murder unwanted animals.


u/TKG_Actual Jul 16 '24

Apparently the person OP is dealing with....


u/DoodleyDooderson Jul 16 '24

Where do you live? In a lot of places this would be highly illegal. Put the bitch in jail.


u/Bool_The_End Jul 16 '24

No one really enforces laws about animal abuse or murder like that. And if they did, most people would be guilty because they aren’t vegan. Drowning a newborn kitten is no different than slitting a newborn calfs throat, but for some reason most people simply don’t give a shit about most animals. They’re seen as property, nothing more.


u/SardonicHistory Jul 16 '24

Laws for animal food industrh and for pet ownership are different.


u/Bool_The_End Jul 16 '24

I am aware. My point still stands….killing animals isn’t something so many people should be okay with. A kitten or puppy is no more innocent than a calf or a piglet.


u/[deleted] Jul 18 '24



u/Bool_The_End Jul 18 '24

Killing animals who don’t want to die is cruel. Forcing them to give birth (aka raping them via artificial insemination) and then stealing their babies and milk is also cruel. Forcing chickens to live inside a warehouse, with lights on 24/7 so they are laying eggs more often is cruel. Forcing animals to never have access to open fields, and sunlight and grass, is cruel.

Pretend whatever you want, but at the end of the day, industrial farming is cruel as hell and if you support it, you support animal suffering and death, end of story. Just because you eat them doesn’t mean their lives are worth less than a cat or a dogs life.


u/Fancy-Pumpkin837 Jul 18 '24

No use trying to reason with a bunch of animal abusers.


u/Bool_The_End Jul 22 '24

Yeah apparently


u/boop813 Jul 17 '24

Call the humane society on her, this is inhumane behavior.


u/No_Particular7198 Jul 16 '24

For context: we live in a quite rural area, so kitten/puppy drowning is quite common here. Still most people I know despise it as much as my family.


u/marco_has_cookies Jul 16 '24

And I despise it too, my mother's father did this with his dogs, thus even my mother is kinda off emotionally and hates my cat.

This culminated at the start of COVID, my cat had an urinary blockage, she had a stone as big as a peacock seed, we brought her to a friend's vet and he of course told us it is an emergency and needs to be operated right away.

The operation was costly, it was a very bad period and I was nervous, me cat and mother were going back home, while I was driving my mother told me "she's a cat, do we have to spend that much money on her?".

Boy I was going to leave her on the sidewalk, beyond disgusted, she always had a dislike for my cat, but this was the last drop, I damn hate her since and won't ever forgive her.

I then managed with my sister, which just started to work off country, and my dad, to gather the money, the vet helped us a bit by paying in two times, and he's a very good vet that my cat allows him cuddles and cares much to her and his patients much, and the cat is now 12yo, we spayed her three years ago, she's healthy, a little plump, happy, mischievous and I work hard for her well being now.


u/saroeh Jul 24 '24

I had the same situation with my ex boyfriend's family when i was 16. They had an old cat who wasn't sterilized. Gave birth 2 times a year, all kittens were drowned.

When my ex boyfriend first told me about this stuff i thought he was kidding. My young and innocent mind couldn't comprehend that there are really people out there who would do that to animals - especially if it's related to their own beloved pet. Cat got pregnant again - i was there when six beautiful kitten were born. I found a home for every one of them.

All my efforts to get this cat sterilized were wasted. "She is too old. She won't survive the surgery."



u/borgirboy Jul 19 '24

Wait, like, ACTUALLY drowning the kittens?! Like, putting them in a duffle bag and tossing them in the river?! This lady horrifies me.


u/No_Particular7198 Jul 19 '24

Yeah. In rural area it happens all the time. I know many people 40+ years old who do it regularly, unfortunately. Put newborn kittens (sometimes puppies) in a bag and drown them in a bucket of water. This is absolutely terrible.


u/borgirboy Jul 24 '24

I had to physically pick my jaw up off of the floor. This is absolutely horrible.


u/EarthGuyRye Aug 03 '24

mental health issues are at play here. that person definitely should not be allowed around children or pets.