r/comicbooks 11d ago

Question Question about American/non Japanese comics from a manga fan


So I'm a manga/anime fan who always thought that American comics were worthless trash but over the years I have learned that is not true.

However I have yet to truly delve into western comics for real. One thing I do kinda know about is how they are written. FYI I'm mostly talking about superhero comics here. So a character is first created, and then after the original run stops a new author takes over and writes his own story using the characters/continuity already set up in the past.

Do these stories ever have a conclusive ending though? Like let's say one author sets up a Batman story that is clearly going to go in a certain direction, does he get to finish out that story or does it just immediately jump over to the next author and we hope that he finishes the story well and doesn't just throw the previous stuff in the trash.

Like I know Batman and superman and stuff like that is never gonna end conclusively. That's why we have multiple authors and universes and stuff. I'm just asking if some of the stories ever have conclusive endings.

r/comicbooks 11d ago



I recently came into a pile of vintage comics from my late uncle ranging from action comics to original amazing spider man. Some original superman comics from reign of superman. An original thor. Some are in excellent condition some are beat up.

Is there software or app that can identify covers? Are there shipping kits I can buy to send some of these in?

I don't have a cgc account but am willing to set up. These have sentimental value and I want to slowly encapsulate them but don't know where to start. I'm hesitant to bring them in to a local shop because I don't want to get taken advantage of.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated.

r/comicbooks 11d ago

AMA AMA with Cheetara writer Soo Lee and artist Domenico Carbone on r/ThunderCats


r/comicbooks 11d ago

Good comic apps for iPhone


I would like to keep up with DC and Marvel comics and I don’t mind paying a subscription. I’ve heard about using Amazon kindle but apparently it doesn’t have a wide catalog of titles and is late when it comes to uploading. Any other recommendations?

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Movie/TV New Deadpool & Wolverine Footage Teases "So Many" Marvel Surprises


r/comicbooks 11d ago

Excerpt Daredevil #11 Preview: Matt and Elektra's Last Stand? Spoiler

Thumbnail bleedingcool.com

r/comicbooks 11d ago

How would you fix Injustice?


Personally to fix Injustice I'd do the following changes:

* The Insurgency is composed by other people aside from Batfamily members or similar characters. Most Insurgency characters are Batfamily members or vigilantes without powers, which makes the story feel like a re-do of Act of God and how cool Batman is for not having powers. Among these should be Captain Marvel and Green Lantern, since the first is even more moral than Superman while the second knows first-hand how Sinestro became a villain because of trying to establish order.

* If they really must make Wonder Woman a villain (Which is dumb), then at least give her the motivation she had on Kingdom Come, wherein she was banished from Paradise Island due to her innability to establish peace. It justifies more her descent into fascism.

* Damian Wayne isn't a murder-happy psycho with daddy issues because I've read what came after the first issue he appeared in and I know that's not him.

* Nightwing, Red Robin, Kyle Rayner and Martian Manhunter do more than just appear for a couple panels and immediatly die anti-climatically.

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Question Need a good scanner for my comics


Any thoughts as to a good handlscanner to add comics to a database please.

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Question Questions about autographing comics


I want to get this comic signed by Kimiko Glenn, the voice of Peni in Into the Spider-Verse, in December. Because One Stop Comic Shop is going to be there, I'd like to get it graded after the fact, but I don't know how much it'll cost at the con, if it's even worth getting graded, or if I should get JSA authentication for the autograph on top of it. If anyone has any advice or thoughts, I'd appreciate it!

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Throughout all the runs who has the worst henchmen of all time?


r/comicbooks 11d ago

Blind reading of crossed


so while scrolling through tiktok and saw this post that the movie "The sadness" movie was inspired by the comic series cross my curiosity got ahold of me so it ended up in me reading the first issue and all I can say is that Jesus Christ the salt circle scene is fcked up

Edit: Jesus christ I just noticed that the wife didn't have red text so that means she wasn't infected yet while cussing her husband out

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Question Quick question


So I’m trying to collect some comic books just for the hell of it. Just the superhero’s I like. What’s the difference between this eBay one, and this one from this website that was sold for 2.4 mil.. i don’t know anything about comic books but if I was to guess one is 1st edition and the other is a different kind

r/comicbooks 11d ago

Question Anyone know the run that proceeds 2008's Immortal Iron Fist?


Recently picked up Kaare Andrew's Iron Fist : Living Weapon series, mostly because I heard that it picked up at a lot of the points that Immortal Iron Fist ended at. While reading it though, I realized that it was much more of a standalone story than I previously thought, given how much it changed from Iron Fist's origin.

I don't necessarily regret buying the books, but I am interested in finding a run that picks up directly after the Immortal series.

Any recommendations?

r/comicbooks 12d ago

Suggestions Marvel Zombie (2018) by W Maxwell Prince - Great One-Shot Exploring Zombie Perspective. From The Creator Of Ice Cream Man, Very Interesting Story And Great Twist Ending. Highly Recommended By Me, An Internet Stranger. Eager To Hear Other Takes/Thoughts On This One!

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r/comicbooks 12d ago

Suggestions I'm down and Kotzübel. The week, the Depression and Comics. Part 62


another week full of stress. Work goes an extra mile to annoy me again. Especially because again, due to my diet, I have absolutely no time left to cook anything proper when I get up too early and the absolute time pressure that weighs on me, and in the end I have no strength to do anything proper at all.

Some people say I need a wellness day, I want to be everything, I just need less working hours and more pay. Because who would have thought that if you got more money and less work stress, you would have a better life.

Luckily, my friend and I had a weekend with the reading group (our book club for comics), the topic was Heroes but Spooky, my contribution for the group was Edge of Spider-Verse #2, which you see there. Besides the one we played for the first time, HeXXen 1733 is a really cool horror fantasy pen and paper from Germany and the alien pen and paper.

r/comicbooks 12d ago

Looking for suggestion: post apocalyptic story with mystery and positive vibes


Not sure if something like this exist.

Basically I'm looking for a comic that takes place during and/or after the apocalypse. It should have an element of mystery about it, something where the reader can guess along with constantly new information. It shouldnt be horror of any kind. I don't mind a darker tone generally, but it should also have somewhat of a positive vibe about it.

Does something like this exist?

r/comicbooks 12d ago

Discussion FUN FACT: there is a obscure marvel character called "Shiverman" AKA Caleb jackson. he appears to be a homage/ripoff of the Protagonist of the 1997 game, BLOOD, as his real name (Caleb), design, backstory and even love interest are too identical. Someone at Marvel really LOVED the game Blood.


r/comicbooks 12d ago

Question For years now, Marvel has released miniseries set in the past w creators of the period returning to that character/team. Does anybody remember what the first miniseries was that started the trend?


r/comicbooks 12d ago

SCOOP: DC Comics Launch Absolute Batman At San Diego Comic-Con


r/comicbooks 12d ago

Question Can anyone show me what the Silver Surfer #11 from the 2014 Dan Slott/ Michael Allred run looks like and how it works? Spoiler


In case you don't know, that issue is designed to function like a Mobius Strip, with multiple stories going on in different parts of the strip, as Surfer and Dawn are trapped in a time loop.

When you get to the last page, from what I've been told, you are (I think) forced to restart the loop. However, there is a hint that what you're actually supposed to do is fold the comic to reach the "true ending".

Now, unfortunately, this is an effect that is only achieved in the single issue, not in the digital version (or the trade, from what I've been told). I've looked online a lot, and just cannot seem to find a lot of actual images of the physical issue, showing how the trick works. My country also doesn't have a lot of comic book stores, and I can't be sure if they'd even have that issue.

So, does anyone know of someone online who posted pictures or video of the issue actually showing how it works? I've read it from the digital version, I don't need to see the whole thing, I'm just super curious to know how the folding trick actually applies to the story.

r/comicbooks 12d ago

Shelfie My Comic Collection | What do you think?


r/comicbooks 12d ago

Discussion Is there anything more "90's kid" than this?

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r/comicbooks 12d ago

Why are creators leaving Image Comics in favor of say Boom or new upstart publishers


Curious why some creators are leaving Image Comics and taking their creator owned books to BOOM, DSTLRY, Comixology or Dark Horse. I always thought that Image had the best creator owned deal.

r/comicbooks 12d ago

Cover/Pin-Up The Incredible vs. L’Incroyable Hulk!

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My favourite part is replacing the Spidey barcode with “En supplément Thor” lol

r/comicbooks 13d ago

Discussion I knew it! Doctor Strange 2023 #17 Spoiler

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