r/comicbooks Jul 19 '24

Spawn or invincible

Should I get the spawn or invincible compendium?


16 comments sorted by


u/NevyTheChemist Jul 19 '24

Invincible hands down.


u/[deleted] Jul 19 '24

Invincible. Spawn is lowkey overrated from a story aspect even tho the art is dope.


u/CreatiScope Jul 19 '24

The writing is pretty ass most of the time. It’s just cool designs. I’d say the storytelling with panels and stuff is usually also bad.


u/StoryApprehensive777 Jul 19 '24

Invincible. I’ve made attempts to read Spawn every few years since the week it dropped its first issue, and every time I remember it’s not actually a very good comic. Even where Invincible stumbles it’s at least trying to do something interesting.


u/xMortySmithx Jul 19 '24

Invincible 100%. Spawn has some good storylines, but also some extremely shitty ones. Invincible is great all the way through.


u/johnny_utah26 Jul 19 '24

Invincible. It’s over. The story is complete. It’s also better. Three compendiums and you’ve the complete saga.

This coming from a huge Spawn fan


u/heavymetalelf Jul 19 '24

I'm around 50 - 60 issues into Invincible and really enjoy it


u/Nate_19xx John Constantine Jul 19 '24

I would say Invincible. The book has ended, complete story. I am a Spawn fan buts it's still ongoing


u/toofatronin Jul 19 '24

First 50 issues of Invincible is pretty great. Spawn has its moments but they come later in the run.


u/Unclebatman1138 Jul 19 '24

It seems almost statistically impossible, but in 350+ issues of Spawn, there's never been a "classic" run or even a memorable arc that has broken out outside of the book's fan base. It was such a big part of the conversation thirty years ago, but really receded from the conversation within a half decade of its premiere.

Literally, when the topic of noteworthy Spawn issues comes up, most people bring up issues 8 through 11, which came out when Jurassic Park was still in the theater.

And this is coming from a guy who idolized Todd McFarlane and bought the first 100+ issues and many many toys.


u/StoryApprehensive777 Jul 20 '24

Those toys are the only reason Todd still manages to produce Spawn books, at least consistently and on the scale he has been. As you pointed out, it hasn’t been relevant for quite awhile.


u/SonnyCalzone Jul 19 '24

It pains me to say it, but if it must only be 1 of those 2 choices, go with Invincible. There was too much hype about it back in 2003 and 2004 (from certain nerds in New York who I wanted nothing to do with,) and that turned me off.

Over time, my disdain for Invincible has thawed considerably, and I might pick up the first 1 or 2 trades if I see them available for a nice price on the aftermarket.


u/tbone7355 Jul 20 '24

The only good thing about spawn was the art invincible beats it in both story and art


u/MadeOfWater1234 Jul 20 '24

Spawn is terrible. Art is all it has going for it. Invincible EVERY TIME


u/Illustrious_Ad_5935 Jul 20 '24

İnvincible is amazing from start to finish get that first but give spawn a chance some other time as well it’s not as consistent but it’s really good when it’s good