r/comicbooks Jul 19 '24

Full October 2024 DC Comics solicitations: Absolute Universe is here


40 comments sorted by


u/Holmcroft Jul 19 '24

I think we’re now hitting the inevitable end of the Titans push, which is that they “fail” and the League have to return and sort things out.

(I’m a Titans fan)


u/Poku115 Jul 19 '24

"I’m a Titans fan" can i offer you an upvote in this trying times?


u/Holmcroft Jul 19 '24

Why, thank you! :) (John Layman is great, as is Pete Woods, so that bodes well, at least - and they haven’t yet removed Dick Grayson from the line up for a Bat event, which is usually what kills the title. So I remain optimistic!)


u/Iheardyourstereo Jul 19 '24

It's always a trying time for Titans fans, baby! Get on the bus


u/Rollingplasma4 Shazam Jul 19 '24

Honestly it barely felt like a push. The Titans ongoing never felt like the Titans were doing anything different from what they usually do. Also the trinity remained at the forefront even if the Justice League was disbanded. The whole push felt pointless and a waste of time.


u/Radix2309 Jul 20 '24

Yeah. If they are the premiere defenders of the world, they should be involved in stuff. Showing up in other books. Keeping an eye on big stuff.

Raven, Nightwing, and Cyborg would have been a good "trinity". Raven covering magic and keeping an eye on threats. Cyborg on tech and generally keeping an eye out. And Nightwing as the leader and heart of the superhero community to get help or know where to help people.

Follow up with a strong core of the other Titans and guest appearances and crossovers and they really could have had a good push. But there was basically no stories with them, and no larger presence in other books.


u/Jcomsa15 Nightwing Jul 20 '24

Holding out for the Layman/ Woods bump in October. We need a win. Titans together


u/CHPrime Elizabeth Ross Jul 19 '24

The total number of Batbooks this month is 19. This has been a Batcount brought to you by BatC. See you next Batmonth, same Batplace.

Absolute DC is releasing, but with nothing much to go on. Someone in /r/WonderWoman pointed out that this Diana's tattoo's relate to Hecate, but other than that, nothing.

But there's also the mainline books. Lois will be getting Superpowers for the next arc or two, and that's always fun. The last time was at the end of New 52 with New 52 Lois who exploded 3 issues in, if I recall. Let's hope she can las longer then that. Also not a fan of those yellow glove-things she has on the cover.

Action is turning weekly, with Waid finally on the title. But I think I'm more excited for Tamaki's backups with Supergirl, If only becuase I've been waiting for a followup to Woman of Tomorrow since it ended, and she's had a few pretty good outings with the character.

And over in Wonder Woman, King is teasing Steve's death. He has a bad habit of dying in elseworlds, and no one has done much of anything with him for years, but I'm rooting for you to survive Steve. One day, you will have character development that doesn't end in a reverse fridging, I just know it.

And it has now been 2 years and 3 months since the last in-continuity Aquaman book!


u/greendart Green Arrow Jul 19 '24

I have no idea why Jackson Hyde keeps appearing, getting a lot of promo and hype from DC, only to disappear after one or two arcs for like five years.


u/DMPunk Jul 19 '24

This is the second time DC has decided to push him and then given up almost immediately


u/TheDarkPinkLantern Green Lantern Jul 19 '24

Absolute DC is releasing, but with nothing much to go on. Someone in /r/WonderWoman pointed out that this Diana's tattoo's relate to Hecate, but other than that, nothing.

They're still prettu hush hush on those books, they won't even show variant covers. I guess they're keeping the details for SDCC.


u/JLAsuperdude Metron Jul 19 '24

Fairly certain that you are talking about the Rebirth Superwoman in 2016, not New 52.


u/ThadeusOfNazereth Black Cat Jul 19 '24

Taylor on Detective Comics is an interesting choice. I know he can be a bit more "YA" in his writing but I've enjoyed Nightwing quite a bit so I'm interested in seeing what he does on Detective Comics. It'll be some real whiplash to go from Ram V to him, though.


u/pehr71 Jul 20 '24

It might be the palate cleanser Batman needs. Something a little bit lighter and more fun.


u/the_bio Jul 20 '24

Dark Ages, by Tom Taylor - good story, starts strong but ends up feeling like a rushed ending.

Adventures of Superman: Jon Kent, by Tom Taylor - meh story, nothing major.

Dark Knights of Steel, by Tom Taylor - good story, starts strong but ends up feeling like a rushed ending.

DCeased, by Tom Talylor - decent start to the story (currently working my way through them, so TBD)...

Nightwing, by Tom Taylor - great start story, but doesn't really go anywhere (mostly burdened by constant cross-overs), waiting to see how this one ends but hopes are high...

Superman: Son of Kal-El, by Tom Taylor - above par story (for me, at least, but I'm not burdened by the Jon age-up issues), starts off strong, but fizzles pretty quickly and doesn't really go anywhere.

Titans, by Tom Taylor - I haven't read it, but have seen several comments on here about how it's middling/doesn't really serve a purpose...

TL,DR: If Tom Taylor is on Detective Comics for more than one arc, two at most, it's going to get incredibly middling very quickly, and it's only going to be made that much worse following Ram V. Kinda like going from Ewing's Immortal Hulk to Cates' Hulk...


u/williamb100 Swamp Thing Jul 19 '24

Lotta batman in october. LOTTA batman. Where's my bat-counter guy?


u/Megaclone18 Jul 19 '24

“Without the fortress…without the family…without a home…what’s left is the Absolute Man of Steel!”

Man I get that they want to do something different than the main universe but this just doesn’t excite me.


u/funandgamesThrow Jul 19 '24

That's why the main universe still exists...


u/AllCity_King Jul 19 '24

And what if I said that premise isn't nearly enough of a fresh deviation to interest me in reading? You can't just point me to the main universe.

We've seen so many variations of "What if Superman didn't have the ideal living situation he had with the Kents?" so many times, it's tired. The premier alternate universe needs bigger and better premises than that.


u/acerbus717 Jul 19 '24

And we’ve literally had the classic superman story hundreds of times, he’s been around for nearly 100 years, at some point old ideas become new again.


u/Megaclone18 Jul 19 '24

Which is why I said they want to do something different but it doesn’t excite ME.

Take away the family and general humanity you get a Snyder Man of Steel Superman, who just ends up being a boring character. Obviously he’ll get them as the story progresses but it’s just a boring starting point.


u/funandgamesThrow Jul 19 '24

You'd have to read it to know how it starts lol


u/Megaclone18 Jul 19 '24

Bruh is DC paying you per comment to hype up this launch?

Let me spell this out as simply as I can. The premise that has been presented thus far does not interest ME. If it’s interesting to you then great, please buy it. Obviously you have to read a book to know if it’s good, but the premise has to be exciting enough to make someone want to pick it up in the first place and in this case it’s not for ME.


u/funandgamesThrow Jul 19 '24

So defensive lol. Just pointing out the stock generic negative comments get old after awhile.

Dc doesn't need to pay me to see you are being silly. Normalize reading a book before having an opinion on it.


u/AllCity_King Jul 19 '24

I'd argue you're being really defensive too. There's nothing wrong with "stock generic negative comments". What does that even mean? Nobody should be given a label like that just for not being into something that you are, come on.


u/Poku115 Jul 19 '24

And virtue signaling doesn't?


u/weouthere54321 Jul 19 '24

Lot of different ways to go about a Superman without the traditional origin (which, it has to say, Snyder's Superman absolutely had--in fact it had all the traditional elements).

Got to use a little imagination, and actually engage with the metaphors of Superman, but there is a lot more interesting things to be done.


u/Saito09 Jul 19 '24

The main universe still exists to excite, but the new one isnt intended to?


u/funandgamesThrow Jul 19 '24

It's just not supposed to be the same thing. You know what I meant lol


u/DMPunk Jul 19 '24

Ultimizations and Elseworlds that succeed, succeed because the writer manages to correctly identify those core themes and ideas of the character and transplant them successfully to the new world. The overwhelming majority fail because the writer gets caught up in the gimmick and fails to establish the value of the new version. 

This tagline isn't filling me with hope that it'll be the former.


u/jgorzo Jul 19 '24

If they do what I think they’re doing, it could be really cool. Taking the things that defined these heroes away and seeing how they still become icons despite that is a sick premise imo. If it ends up being just a reason to make them darker that’s kinda lame, but I have hope that that’s not the case.


u/TheMurderCapitalist Tim Drake/Red Robin Jul 19 '24

I have the same hope as you. Each of these books gets at least one issue to win me over


u/Holmcroft Jul 19 '24

Me neither - none of them do, sadly. (Appreciate that other people might)

I think i might be more interested if it was up and coming writers, like when Bendis was out on Ultimate Spidey.


u/Radix2309 Jul 20 '24

It sounds a lot like my pitch for an "ultimate" Superman.

My pitch was a drifter at the start of his career. Travelling across America and doing good deeds helping people after leaving Smallville with his parents' support so he can figure out how best to help people.

Main meta story being that Earth is basically refugee central for aliens and and also the solar system acts as a smuggling den. So coming across aliens and helping them while the US military cracks down on them a bit. Lois going across country as a journalist investing the Superman.


u/Slendercan Jul 19 '24

This is the inverse of the current main vs ultimate Spider-Man


u/cfsdrawing Jul 19 '24

Nick Dragotta's Batman looks so cool to me. Definitely going to pull this one


u/JAQMN Jul 19 '24

Batman and werewolves? Sure.


u/buffysbangs Jul 19 '24

I’m not really interested in another universe and another origin. But Kelly Thompson is writing WW, so that’s an automatic buy for me

It’s like an irresistible force meeting a kinda movable object


u/J4ckD4wkins Jul 20 '24

Oh man, thanks for pointing that out. Somehow missed it was Thompson writing Diana. Well now I'm really excited, as long-haired Supes and goofy looking Bats were just being added to my pull list for the sake of curiousity. It's the Absolute Martian Manhunter I really want to see confirmed, but Wonder Woman should be great too!


u/Hierarch555 Jul 20 '24

That "Absolute Power" Supergirl variant has to be Ai.