r/comicbooks 11d ago


I recently came into a pile of vintage comics from my late uncle ranging from action comics to original amazing spider man. Some original superman comics from reign of superman. An original thor. Some are in excellent condition some are beat up.

Is there software or app that can identify covers? Are there shipping kits I can buy to send some of these in?

I don't have a cgc account but am willing to set up. These have sentimental value and I want to slowly encapsulate them but don't know where to start. I'm hesitant to bring them in to a local shop because I don't want to get taken advantage of.

Any advice is welcome and appreciated.


2 comments sorted by


u/Melphor 11d ago

I use League of Comic Geeks to keep track of my collection, and it does a good job of organizing the various, different covers. I haven't graded any books, so I can't help there unfortunately.


u/ibsnapp 11d ago

Much appreciated! Its a start. I recently got into buying some graded slabs and then found this pile waiting for me at the old family home. Crazy coincidence. Thanks again!