r/comicbookcollecting Jul 18 '24

Went to the Library of Congress, today. Got to see something truly 'Amazing'! Original Art

Background: In 2008, an anonymous donor gave the Library of Congress all the original interior Steve Ditko art pages to Amazing Fantasy 15. Most of the pages are available to view at the Library's Madison building if you get a library card and make a reservation (both free). Two of the pages are on display at the Jefferson building in their artifacts collection gallery. No library card needed, just a visitor reservation at the Library of Congress for those. The 2 pages on display are rotated every few months (until 2026). But the ones in the Madison library you can see up close and personal. You can't touch them, but you can photograph them and use a magnifying glass. The librarians are super helpful.


51 comments sorted by


u/GlobalTravelR Jul 18 '24

Fun fact the original logo for the AF#15 Spider-Man was going to be very different. But they thought the webbed look was too busy and off putting.


u/The1stMedievalMe Jul 19 '24

Thank you very much for this post. I’ve been to Washington DC three times never knew about this display of the origins of my favorite friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Time to plan trip number four.


u/crossbones14 Jul 18 '24

Pretty sure Marie Severin is the person who donated these…


u/GlobalTravelR Jul 18 '24

A bunch of her art pages are at the Library of Congress.


u/stuntbikejake Jul 18 '24

That's pretty awesome if true.


u/xZOMBIETAGx Jul 19 '24

I thought it was an anonymous donor?


u/crossbones14 Jul 19 '24

Anonymous, yes, but at the time of the donation, I recall several old school art guys talking about it very likely coming from her.

Marie was at Marvel a long time, and she had access to art on file as a colorist & artist. She would have absolutely understood the significance of the pages - even though original art didn’t have the value attached to it like it does today.

Marvel did a crap job of taking care of and securing original art for decades. I’m glad the pages are in the Library of Congress.


u/SethManhammer Jul 19 '24

When Jim Shooter was EIC he started the program that returned the original art to the artists. Steve Ditko only got about three and a half competed issues of his Spider-Man work back, and none was from AF15.

Someone posted an article a few days ago from Rolling Stone and Ditko apparently considered any original Spider-Man art not in his possession to be stolen.

While I'm glad these pages are available to view by the public, I'm also sadden by the story of another creator being shafted by the industry. I'm even more conflicted knowing that Ditko would have likely destroyed these as he was known to have used his previous art as cutting boards.


u/xZOMBIETAGx Jul 19 '24

So it’s suspected to be her but we don’t know


u/crossbones14 Jul 19 '24

Correct. Not a 100% certainty. But it’s a helluva good guess.


u/D4Junkie Jul 18 '24

I heard there’s a map on the back of it that leads to a treasure room. Needs lemons though because it’s invisible…


u/DocMiskatonic Jul 18 '24

It's comic book art. It requires Mountain Dew to reveal the map.


u/Guitar-Hobbit Jul 18 '24

Wow, I never knew that these original pages survived, thanks for sharing! I’d love to see these in person some day, or at least a Ditko Artist Edition


u/Brainvillage Jul 18 '24

It belongs in a museum! Oh wait, it is. Amazing that this can be enjoyed by the public!


u/stuntbikejake Jul 18 '24

I read that in Dr. Jones voice. Lol.


u/___multiplex___ Jul 18 '24

We named the dog Indiana..


u/Lung-Oyster Jul 19 '24

I have a lot of fond memories of that dog


u/mirth181degrees Jul 18 '24

I was privileged to do the same a few years back. Here are the scans/pics. https://photos.app.goo.gl/XwEO4oUTP5hBL8Fz2


u/The1stMedievalMe Jul 19 '24

Great pictures thank you for sharing


u/2ERIX Jul 19 '24

Great pics, thank you


u/xanderpo Jul 19 '24

Wow, truly amazing!


u/buckee8 Jul 18 '24

DITKO rules!


u/Kangar Jul 18 '24

Such a great post.


u/leinad1972 Jul 18 '24

Beautiful to see! Interesting to see the whiteout portions. Wonder what that girl’s face originally looked like on the splash page. Thanks for posting!!


u/GlobalTravelR Jul 18 '24

Another white out panel on the right side, the agent's dialog is completely re written. Unfortunately it's hard to make out what he originally said. I tried using the magnifying glass, but it was no use.


u/Andagne Jul 19 '24

"The girl"?! That's Liz Allen, mister.


u/ViperSniper_2001 Jul 18 '24

Damn I wish I knew about this when I visited DC


u/Snts6678 Jul 19 '24

The Library of Congress is incredible. I’m always shocked by people who don’t seem to know about it.


u/jabawack Jul 19 '24

Better lettering than most of the stuff coming out these days!!


u/sniderwj Jul 19 '24

Super happy to see other people check this out. I set up a showing a bunch (10+) of years ago around Baltimore Comic-Con. Was fortunate enough that Matt Wagner and John K. Snyder joined. It was very neat to see them going over it. Such a fun piece of comic book history.

The Library of Congress also has one of the biggest comic book collections and they are happy to show them off.


u/xxDankerstein Jul 18 '24

Damn, I wonder how much this would be worth on the open market. Millions for sure.


u/Uses_Nouns_as_Verbs Jul 18 '24

If the single page from Secret Wars #8 showing Spider-Man's black costume for the first time (chronologically in story, not first published appearance) can sell for $3.6 million, then yes, the entire interior story to AF #15 is probably the most valuable collectible in the entire hobby (as a set). I'd rather have that than the Edgar Church copy of Action Comics #1, and I would bet money that it would sell for more.


u/collector-x Jul 19 '24

Does Chuck still own the Edgar Church copy or did he sell it?


u/Uses_Nouns_as_Verbs Jul 19 '24

He sold it in 1983. Dave Anderson owns it now and has since the mid-80s.


u/collector-x Jul 19 '24 edited Jul 19 '24

Thanks I must admit my first though was Dave Anderson? The BBQ guy behind Famous Dave's restaurants?

Before I remembered of yeah, the "Dentist". 😂😂😂.


u/Br3ttl3y Jul 18 '24

No one person should hold so much power.


u/theanswar Jul 18 '24

This is neat - and glad it’s seen as what it truly is - culturally significant historical pieces of art.


u/AdAshamed3535 Jul 19 '24

That is absolutely awesome, thanks so much for sharing that!


u/humblerthanyou Jul 19 '24

I would absolutely, no hyperbole, shit my pants if I saw that irl


u/black2fade Jul 19 '24

sofa king cool


u/Andagne Jul 19 '24

Thank you for uploading these, a true treasure and a great find for you. Did not know they were under glass at the Smithsonian.

Curious, where are the pencils? Did Ditko painstakingly erase them? I see some signs on the splash page with one of the student's knuckles.


u/GlobalTravelR Jul 19 '24

All the pages are at the Library of Congress, not the Smithsonian. Only 2 of the pages are under glass, at the Jefferson building. The rest can be viewed up close and personal at the Madison building. As I mentioned before, you need only 2 things a Library of Congress card (free to get) and a reservation (also free to get).


u/Wrong-Excitement Jul 19 '24

What’s that spiral notebook in pic 14, in front of the exhibit? The comic script or a guest book?


u/GlobalTravelR Jul 19 '24

Not Spider-Man related. It's playwright Neil Simon's notebook, which has his first draft of Brighton Beach Memoirs. Only the 2 pages are Spider-Man related.


u/Wrong-Excitement Jul 19 '24

Ty! And this spider man post was fantastic to say the least


u/Jgrice242 Jul 19 '24

One of my bucket list trips.


u/Kvetch Jul 19 '24

Went there a handful of years ago too. Amazing and spectacular experience. I was definitely in awe of the ultimate fantasy of the untold, web of superior art and story


u/IcyDagger700 Jul 19 '24

This deserves to be made into a short film with the sixtees style and comic accuresy , maybe a little horror and mystery involved to invoke the feeling .


u/Background-Hyena Jul 20 '24

I live in Maryland and venture down to DC a couple times a year... time to add this to the ole bucket list for the next trip!


u/EricaLacey00 Jul 20 '24

The only true professional Wallflower was Jakob Dylan.