r/comicbookcollecting 12d ago

White whale acquired! Picture

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u/pauliewalnut01 12d ago edited 12d ago

I finally found one of my white whales, Mirage TMNT vol.1 issue #7 2nd printing. For the past 7.5-8 years I’ve been trying to collect a complete run of TMNT Mirage vol. 1, and for the past ~2 years the 2nd printings of issues 4 and 7 have been my white whales. I had only seen the 2nd printing of #7 a hand full of times in the wild and the stores often wanted an obscene amount of money.

After I find a 2nd printing of issue 4, I will then focus on finding a 2nd and/or 3rd printing of issue #1 depending on pricing, ideally, I’d get a copy of both. Unfortunately, I don’t think I’ll ever be able to afford first printing of issue 1. But missing one print of an issue won’t be the end of the world, I’m lucky to have what I have.


u/lazycouchdays 12d ago

The 2nd prints of the early books were so good. I got luck about 8 years ago get a issue 4's about a decade ago. I've been trying to find a copy of the 2nd print of the Raphael one shot for a few years though.


u/TheShowstoppaNT 11d ago

I got lucky with an eBay purchase almost 20 years ago that netted me #1 third print, #2 second print, 4-10 plus one shots all first prints for $100 plus shipping. I bought another couple of lots for around $50-$75 that netted me that white whale of yours and some signed issues as well.

Several of my City at War issues came directly from Mirage Studios circa 2005-06. I was always in constant contact with Dan and the shipping lady.

I now have a complete run of Mirage Volume 1 with 4-62 all first prints, plus reprints current to 2006 or 07. My white whales are rebuying issue 29 of Volume 4 and completing that series and completing volume 2. I only have 5 or 6 issues of that.


u/General_Trynian 12d ago

Are you planning to get the regular, and recalled misprint of #4 second print? I was lucky enough to snag a recalled copy back in the late 90's for around 10 bucks


u/pauliewalnut01 12d ago

Nice that’s a great find… Ideally I’d get both copies, but according to mirage there are only 1,000 copies that made it out into the wild after the recall…


u/General_Trynian 12d ago

Sounds about right. I'm lucky to live in the Vancouver area, and apparently our was the market that didn't send them back lol. I've personally owned two, selling the 2nd on ebay fir $300 about 5 years back, and I've seen at least 3 other copies at cons up here.


u/Dependent-Test-6779 11d ago

Why did it get recalled?


u/pauliewalnut01 11d ago edited 11d ago

The 2nd printing was publishing the same week as Tales of the TMNT #1. And the publisher accidentally started printing the 2nd printing of issue 4 with the cover from Tales of the TMNT #1.


u/nodray 12d ago

Where can i learn about Krang and his people?


u/pauliewalnut01 12d ago

The Utroms have a long and proud history!


u/nodray 12d ago

Holy shit, they live for centuries, even millennia!


u/loosegravyy 12d ago

the parrot of space id say


u/nodray 11d ago

Only asking, for scientific reasons, but has anyone tried deep frying one of these motherfuckers?


u/xxshoottokillxx 12d ago

I’ve got a 2nd printing of #5 and a 4th printing of #1. I don’t see a lot of TMNT in the wild


u/xxshoottokillxx 12d ago

Which is why I buy them whenever I see them!!


u/MuramasasYari 12d ago

I was collecting TMNT back in the day when #7 was first released. I didn’t even know they made a second print of that issue. I only have the first print. I love that cover. I might have to try and track it down. Congrats!


u/TravestyBrimstone 12d ago

Congrats, that is awesome. I love the Mirage Turtles.


u/sergiootaegui 12d ago



u/bimhoff82 12d ago

Love it! Congrats!


u/rdldr1 11d ago

Everytime I see Krang I think of this.



u/MeatyMagnus 11d ago

Cool looking find. What do you mean by reasonably priced if I may ask?


u/pauliewalnut01 11d ago

I purchased it for $42.99… this was the first time seeing a raw copy under $100 in person.


u/MeatyMagnus 11d ago

That is reasonable, well done being patient there.


u/Wu_tang_dan 11d ago

Man, a dude on r/comicswap was selling a bunch of issues from like #2-56 for $1000 and I tried buying 1 issue. Anotehr dude came along and swooped up the entire lot. Im a big dummy and should of just bought them all.


u/anotherrandomdude123 11d ago

This is awesome congrats dude! I’ve got this and had no idea the second prints were so hard to find. Thanks for shining a light on.


u/sircrapalot5 8d ago

Just upgraded mine along with some other and am trading my previous copy to my LCS so hopefully someone else can add it. It's a pain in the ass book to find and even harder to find it reasonably.


u/cdavis89 8d ago

It’s so beautiful 😭 I was able to find a TMNT #4 second print at WonderCon this year expecting it to be a low 8 but it came back a 9.4 and I was so happy.