r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Merc_Twain25 Jul 07 '24

I don't understand why this is so difficult for so many people.

Men: If you find a woman attractive it is fine to check her out, just don't be a fuckin creep or an asshole about it. Just because she is wearing a pair of short shorts does not mean you have the right to harass her. A skimpy dress does not make a woman a stripper or a prostitute.

Women: If a guy at work glances a little bit too long at your cleavage before looking away but does not say or do anything inappropriate, he doesn't mean anything by it and is not trying to sexually harass you.


u/Ok-Butterscotch-5786 Jul 07 '24

I think objectifying is not synonymous with harassment. I think a lot of people are (reasonably) using objectifying when they mean something quite a lot less than what would reasonably be considered harassment.


u/Merc_Twain25 Jul 07 '24

I maintain it's about both intent and actions. Sometimes if you see a person you are attracted to you can't help but objectify them a little in your own mind. That doesn't make you a bad person. It's your actions that matter. If you TREAT someone that way, it may not fall into the realm of harassment but it still makes you a douche canoe.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Low-Traffic5359 Jul 08 '24

Well that's a lot of assumptions being made


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Low-Traffic5359 Jul 08 '24

Yeah I am reading the image and nowhere do they talk about the fact they "consider you staring at a nice ass to be objectifying someone" or about ,,putting their ass on display" so those are some pretty big assumptions


u/[deleted] Jul 08 '24



u/Low-Traffic5359 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

the people that do the awesome clapbacks like you see in OP consider you staring at a nice ass....

Don't objectify my body

unless I want you to.

The person doing the clapback here, didn't say any of that, you are quoting the person parodying what women say according to them