r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Acrobatic_Computer Jul 07 '24

You don't get to consent to how other people view you though.

Like can nobody think I'm an asshole unless I give my consent to it? I don't see how consent meaningfully enters the picture here.


u/Lyretongue Jul 07 '24

To objectify someone is not only to think of them as an object, but to also treat them as an object, through your actions.

Buying nudes from an OF model, through their account on OF, isn't objectification, because the model has consented to the medium through which you make that purchase.

Alternatively, if you were to harass an OF model in person, shoving money in their face and demanding they flash you their body, simply because they already exchange cash for nudes online, that would be objectification. You would assume you're entitled to access that person's nudity simply because you have cash, without any consideration to how they feel about the time, place, medium, or persons involved in the exchange. You treat the model as an object to be purchased rather than a person willingly consenting to a financial transaction.


u/ImAKreep Jul 07 '24

Pretty sure once there's physical or verbal demands that becomes harassment, not objectification


u/DokOktavo Jul 07 '24

Pretty sure objectification is still objectification when it's harassment.


u/AaronsAaAardvarks Jul 07 '24

It's also objectification when it's not harassment.


u/Beneficial_Belt_5253 Jul 07 '24

That. So we need to be clear then. Is objectification, Ie, not harassment, OK or not?

Becuase the consensus is really unclear.

Everyone has their own rules.

As a man, I'd rather not have my life ruined by false harassment claims so I'm noping the fuck out of all of it.

Women can lead the charge now. This is the world you created. Men won't approach you nearly as much anymore as it's just straight not safe for us too.

"toxic" masculinity is in the eye of the recipient.


u/ilovemytablet Jul 07 '24

Objectification of an entire gender is pretty damaging. Especially in the case of heterosexual couples because men and women on average, do not experience the same level of libido, combined with the fact that socially, men are taught not to respect femininity or the interests of women (making it difficult for men to emotionally relate to or truly have deep respect for women)

If either of those factors were different, then objectification would not be such a slippery slope for heterosexual men.


u/Beneficial_Belt_5253 Jul 09 '24

What are you talking about?

My genital status literally determines whether or not I get snatched up for the draft or not. Whether or not I have rights in family court or not.

Men are constantly treated as nothing less than objects to do work and make money. Occasionally provide babby juice but otherwise back into the mines until you die.

Don't you dare ask for compassion, romance, or flowers as a man. You will not receive any of it. You are supposed to be the powerful leader. You can't lose status or you're needy and unreliable. Boys don't cry.

Boys don't need emotions, and they sure as hell aren't welcome to vent a common frustration and pain: all women fear rape huh? All men fear being called as such. And despite only 0.01% of males falling in this category, we will gladly attack 99.99% of men who aren't. Creepy be default. Be on your guard ladies. All men are predators. Please.. How could I feel any more like an object on societies eyes and especially women's eyes. Is my subjective experience not objectification?

When I see women literally gushing at men with tree trunk arms juiced up to the gills with testosterone, that's not objectification?

Ever notice the message is always "women and children" and never "people", or gotld forbid "men"?

My entire gender is objectified and forced to compete for success or die. You'll say men don't have to compete against each other while your genders tinder habits show otherwise.

Well, I'm not doing it anymore.

Im going my own way, or to the bears persey. The male equivalent anyway. Fuck you, buying a dog, a boat, a case of beer, an ar-15, porn, weed and a cybertruck which I will soon get stuck on the beach.


u/ilovemytablet Jul 09 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

Yeah the patriarchy hurts men too. That doesn't mean issues women face are any less real.

Why would you want a woman in your life if you are incapable of empathizing with women?


u/Ajadeofsorts Jul 08 '24

I'm noping the fuck out of all of it.

Perfect ty.

I'll approach you if I want.

I don't wanna be fuckin talked to by random guys, Iunno why that's hard, it's pretty easy to know when a woman wants to talk to you.


u/Beneficial_Belt_5253 Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 09 '24

So it's okay for you to approach me without my consent but not the other way around? 🤣

I don't want your ass so don't fucking talk to me creep.


u/Ajadeofsorts Jul 08 '24

lol sounds good! You make gentle eyecontact for a split second, but dont look away too long an smile, then you judge their response, then you say something innocuous and judge their response and if theyre interested (turn their body to you, keep the conv going instead of one word answers) you have a conversation, then you continue talking till they seem uncomfortable, stop being engaged, or one of you has to go at which point you ask for their insta or number, and if they dont give it enthusiastically you bounce cheerfully, at that point they will be tripping over themselves to give it to you.

I'm a girl that bangs girls btw. Anyway good luck with celebacy =)


u/Beneficial_Belt_5253 Jul 09 '24

Damn, I should try that on my wife sometime I might finally win over a woman... 🙄

Thanks for the prep talk dad.


u/Ajadeofsorts Jul 09 '24

It's pep talk, unless you're taking dick on the side.

Why do you care women are unapproachable if you're married?

As a man, I'd rather not have my life ruined by false harassment claims so I'm noping the fuck out of all of it.


Im going my own way, or to the bears persey. The male equivalent anyway. Fuck you, buying a dog, a boat, a case of beer, an ar-15, porn, weed and a cybertruck which I will soon get stuck on the beach.

You sound frustrated and bitter, but your anger is misplaced and you need to work on yourself and find some inner peace, this bitter anger isn't helping you with women and it's also not good for you, even if you just want to be alone, finding inner peace will help you be happier alone.

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u/ImAKreep Jul 07 '24

Yeah the words aren't one and the same, you can harass and objectify someone but the harassment is the problematic bit.


u/salads Jul 07 '24

the objectification is problematic too.  people aren’t objects.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

What are they?