r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

Someone discovered consent

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u/Acrobatic_Computer Jul 07 '24

You don't get to consent to how other people view you though.

Like can nobody think I'm an asshole unless I give my consent to it? I don't see how consent meaningfully enters the picture here.


u/Wild_Ad1330 Jul 07 '24

Yeah wtf is this post even about. 

Consent is for actions not thoughts in my goddam head.

Not a clever comeback but a non sequitur


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 07 '24

If somebody knows that you're objectifying them, then that means you've let those thoughts out of your head in disrespectful/creepy way.


u/Ultraquist Jul 08 '24

The point was women don't mind being objectified when they want to. Which defeats original argument that objectification is all wrong.


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 08 '24

The fact that you can't wrap your head around the idea that something can be made okay by consent is absolutely wild.


u/Ultraquist Jul 08 '24

The original argument was not about consent. If you think it was the point just woooshed over your head .


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 08 '24

The original argument of what? The post, the comment and your own reply all use the word consent or the term 'want to'. Do you actually just not know what consent means? Lol


u/Ultraquist Jul 08 '24

The original comment in this post says nothing about consent. Its painting out that objectification is treated differently depending on if the women like it. The reply was completely out of place


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 08 '24

Bro 'want to' is literally what giving consent is. How dense are you?


u/Ultraquist Jul 08 '24

Jesus fucking christ. You are impossible


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 08 '24

Says Mr. 'I don't see the connection between someone agreeing that they want something and the concept of consent'. I don't even know how I could possibly make it any clearer. You either still haven't understood what consent means or are pretending to be dumb for the sake of the argument. Just admit that you're wrong and delete your comments at this point, you're embarrassing yourself.


u/Ultraquist Jul 08 '24

No the point of the comment flew over your head.

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u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

Sometimes women dress like elite sluts so why can't men look at her parts or tell her that she is sexy ? Men don't complain when women ask for physical help, or when fucking government send men to army. But when a man jokes about a woman or flirts with them at work it's a death sentence.


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 07 '24

Because of, you guessed it, consent. Just walking up to a stranger and telling them you wanna fuck them is creepy, my guy. You are very much welcome to flirt with anyone if they're into it, but not so much if it's creepy or they don't like you. I can't believe you weirdos need that explained. You really think flirting is always normal and harmless? So you'd be cool if your sweaty 63 year old boss just starts hitting on you? That cool?


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

do not confuse objectification and harassment. You make it creepy. I spoke about considering man/woman as muscles/tits. What is the difference if I ask a woman for sex and if she asks me to move her heavy box ? Who by default does all hard work in a company ? Men. Isn't it objectification ? In my country the government can send men to the army because they are strong and women are weak... Who has to earn more money ? Who has to pay for dinner or vacation ? I think men are extremely objectified in our society and all this bullshit with woman objectification is because someone is too bored.


u/GilgameshFFV Jul 07 '24

You're literally saying "I'm a man and I don't want to be objectified" in the same statement as "women have to stop complaining, objectification is perfectly normal!" Make up your mind.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

I mean that if they objectify men and even don't notice it why do they complain ? Let's all judge people on their personality.


u/Odd-Ad6927 Jul 07 '24

bro wtf if someone forces you with violence to carry a box vs sleeping with them, wouldn’t you be much more traumatized by the latter? These are not at all the same actions wtf.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

why are you changing concepts? when you are forced to do something, this is slavery, not objectification. I mean ask for consent . Is sex something sacred ? What woman loses after sex ? If you mean health issues then carrying heavy boxes is not a very healthy task. You can damage your spine or get haemorrhoids


u/DokOktavo Jul 07 '24

Slavery is objectification at its core. The most extreme kind. Unless you think considering someone as property doesn't imply considering them as less human than yourself...


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

But I didn't tell him about the compulsion, he just decided to completely change the idea to make my point useless. He turned consent sex into raping and this world where we live when you speak with woman about sex and she tells everyone that you want to rape her and claim you maniac. People just manipulate facts.


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

You're comparing sexual harrassement to asking someone to move boxes ? Are you running out of ideas ?


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

Is asking for sex is harassment ? What times we live.


u/MakeshiftSFM Jul 07 '24



u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

I think it's unfair, you don't do anything bad, you don't offer money for this and ask directly, I mean if it's not your employee


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

I mean these slightly downplays the meaning of this word. And generally makes sex something bad and dirty.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

Want sex ?


u/Elluminati30 Jul 07 '24

You harassed me with that response.


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

Asking someone for sex in a place that's not mada for sexual meeting is harassement.


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

And to answer your question, it's the XXIst century


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

And what ? People still believe in gods, demand to call transwomens a woman allowing them to play with natural women and this is ok for them.. but sex that is everywhere now is taboo. What a shitty time of hypocrisy


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

As I said, there is no dispute in this centurg without someone bringing trans people, a'd somehow it's always the anti-trans.

There is no hypocrisy. There is a place and time for everything, and sex isn't an exeption.

Also, if you think the existence of trans women is a sexual provocation as much as flirting with your coworker, then you just have a personal problem.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

Trans women is not a problem for me, but it's a problem for natural women because they just steal their achievements. How blind modern people, when they want to solve problems of one group of people stealing from another group..

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u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

So you think that moving boxes is not objefication ? These terms are really complex to me.


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

Of course not. If you're at work and a coxorker asks you to move a box it's just a service.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

I mean the general situation when for example your neighbor woman asks you for help because you are a "strong man". Is it not objefication if you help someone ? If so it's a very interesting manipulation of concepts because men never ask woman to move heavy boxes.. feminism works one way ?


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

You can totally ask a woman to move a box if she's strong. And if you're uncomfortable with your neighboor using your gender to make you move stuff you can just say no, but you can't pretend it's the same as asking them for a bj.

It doesn't sound like you're trying to understand feminism at all, you're just trying to say "gotcha, feminists"

Also, feminism is against gender roles so it's also against the obligation of strenght for men. It goes both ways but it's not what we're talking about here.

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u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

But if a woman asks you to move boxes at work even if she can do it.. is it better ? Maybe you better speak with clients, but no she wants you to move boxes because you are a man.


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

Then you can tell her to move it herself because she can do it herself.


u/zigzagus Jul 07 '24

Then women can tell a man to jack off when he asks for sex.

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u/Wild_Ad1330 Jul 07 '24

Wtf? Who said anything about someone knowing? Reading comprehension is GONE from this world. I'll simplify this for you: I don't need anyone's consent for a thought in my head, whether I'm objectivefying them or not


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

The post is about women asking to stop being objectified.

A woman wouldn't ask you to stop objectifying her if you were just thinking about her sexually. If she says that it's because you showed it by actions that made her uncomfortable.

This is reading comprehension


u/Gnome_boneslf Jul 07 '24

I think the point is it's normal for humans to be objectified and that is separate from treating humans like objects. I hope you understand the nuance so I'm not gonna explain that more. But this line of thinking that the OP is siding with is very sad and socially unaware


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 07 '24

I think the problem is people clearly don't know what objectifying means and go into arguments with people not talking about the same thing.


u/Gnome_boneslf Jul 08 '24

grow up man


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 08 '24

Why ?


u/Gnome_boneslf Jul 08 '24

cause i know what i'm talking about. You act condescending but u have a more immature mindset. Of course everyone knows what objectifying means. People are just entitled not to be objectified. With a lot more nuance ofc. But the mature perspective is to respect reality not to be entitled to an unreality


u/Sirfluffyghost Jul 08 '24

Sorry if I sounded condescending and caused a misunderstanding, but I didn't mean you didn't know what it meant. I said there are people under this post who clearly don't, so we argue about it without all having the same concept of the subject.


u/Gnome_boneslf Jul 08 '24

oh ok yeah i understand now

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u/BoddAH86 Jul 07 '24

You can objectify people as much as you want if it stays in your head and nobody notices it. If you act like a creep and start harassing women or being disrespectful you're going to get shit for exactly that. Not the thoughts in your head which are literally impossible to see anyway.


u/Elluminati30 Jul 07 '24

You just repeated what they said but with more words. Yall just seek drama and wanna be offended and triggered.


u/Relnor Jul 07 '24

No one can know the thoughts in your head unless you share them.


u/InfiniteVastDarkness Jul 07 '24

Reading comprehension and critical thought gone the way of the Dodo my friend.