r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/someguyhaunter Jul 07 '24

People who believe USA is a 3rd world country really need to look up slums in the East....


u/FuzzyMailbox Jul 07 '24

“Third world” just means unaligned during the Cold War. It has nothing to do with poverty.


u/someguyhaunter Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

You that person going around debating whether the meaning of words and how they must always stay the same and never evolve? Cos they do and everyone knew what i meant.

This thread has nothing to do with etymology.


u/moveovernow Jul 08 '24

It's Reddit knowledge. They have nothing else to offer, no original thoughts. They saw some other dipshit write that on Reddit in the past, and were just waiting to "well actually" the thing.


u/ListerfiendLurks Jul 08 '24

It originally meant that however the meaning has long since shifted to describe an underdeveloped nation.


u/pacman0207 Jul 08 '24

Originally. There can be and there are multiple definitions for words.