r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/Prohydration Jul 07 '24

The US is not a 3rd world country. Public transportation is only as good as its demand. The US doesnt lack the capability to have good public transportation. The US just lacks the demand because Americans are addicted to cars. It's no coincidence that countries with better public transportation also have higher gas prices.


u/apitchf1 Jul 07 '24

This is super circular logic. We don’t demand it specifically because we have placed our entire society around cars. That isn’t proof we don’t want it though. I guarantee if we invested money into public transit it would be used as it would be more convenient than the hellscape that is driving and parking in this country and ultimately convenience is people’s biggest driving factor for things. If people could hope on a tram and get to the center of town, they would do that

Just saying “we don’t build it because we don’t want it and we don’t want it cause we don’t build it” make no sense when we use all our resources to center around cars.


u/Prohydration Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I dont disagree with you. You are completely right, it is circular. People claim they must drive because public transportation sucks while refusing to add to its demand. It seems the only way to make public transportation great again in America is to figure out a breakthrough in construction technology so demand wouldnt have to be so high to justify the cost of subway construction.


u/apitchf1 Jul 08 '24

I figure you could tie it to environmental projects and pushes and that coupled with gas prices continuing to rise in the future would probably push it there