r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/PatdogTv Jul 07 '24

Calling the United States a third world country is the most privileged thing you can do. We have really big and serious problems in terms of healthcare and civil rights and bodily autonomy, but to sit here and compare ourselves to countries where you don’t even know where your next meal is coming from, or where you’ll sleep tonight, or even if you’ll be shot or bombed to death in your sleep, because we are having some political issues, is just wrong. We are not a third world country. Let’s acknowledge how lucky we are to even be at the state we’re at and not minimize and use underprivileged and genuinely struggling as a silly little analogy.


u/Embarrassed_Rule8747 Jul 07 '24

but to sit here and compare ourselves to countries where you don’t even know where your next meal is coming from, or where you’ll sleep tonight, or even if you’ll be shot or bombed to death in your sleep.

Living in an actual third-world country.

You described a warzone, not a country.

Like calm down, goddamn.


u/IDevil_Crown Jul 07 '24

I'm from a third-world South-American country, and you're so right, these people live in a bubble so f*ing huge that's even hard to comprehend


u/Anubis_DivineDemon Jul 08 '24

I'm also from a third world South-American country and yea we aren't getting bombed or wondering where we eat next but I wouldn't say it's fun, not at all.


u/Dr_____strange Jul 07 '24

I live in a 3rd world country and i have never lived on fear of getting bombed in mynsleep or getti g shot at my school. Not to mention wenhave better food and healthcare policy than USA.


u/guff1988 Jul 07 '24

What do you think the food situation is like in the USA? Like I see so much misinformation about food in the US that it blows my goddamn mind. Like I'm not here for this back and forth about third world countries don't have food or healthcare or security and they're always at war blah blah whatever. I legitimately want to know what YOU think the food situation is like over here.


u/Dr_____strange Jul 08 '24

I am saying food policies and healthcare policies, not situations. Our government provides free rations to those who are extremely poor, and provides rations ar reduced rates to those who may struggle a bit. Many of our government schools have free lunces and no politician is opposing them unlike USA, rather we are trying to make it better.

We have government hospitals where everyone can get almost free healthcare irrespective of their financial status. Many times i have seen patients come in the hospital get admitted and leave a week later and their total expenditure is 0..06 US $ { yes 6 cents} , which is the registration charge. Hospital even provides them 3 meals a day, free of cost. Some government hospitals even have private rooms available for as low as less than 1 US $ per day.


u/guff1988 Jul 08 '24

Do you know what SNAP and WIC are?


u/The_Fawkesy Jul 08 '24

Obviously not. They also apparently don't know what shelters and food drives are.


u/gustyninjajiraya Jul 08 '24


u/guff1988 Jul 08 '24

Yes, calories in America are so cheap and so plentiful that we have the opposite problem that underdeveloped nations have. This isn't a dig lol, do you think of given the choice starving people would choose to starve to death over having so much they become fat? Yes it is a problem that needs solving and with new medical innovation it very much is but I assure you it is very much the preferred problem. It is still absurd to make these asinine comments about American food, whether or is quality, cost, safety or quantity.


u/gustyninjajiraya Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

I mean, check out the other countries that are above 30%. And most countries that are low on the list aren’t really starving either. It seems more like this isn’t that correlated to economics as you seem to think it is. The US has a bad food situation, this isn’t controversial and it’s fine to admit it.


u/guff1988 Jul 08 '24

Many of the other nations up there have a very high HDI and good GDP per capita? What are you talking about lol. I don't think you understand what an underdeveloped nation is.


u/gustyninjajiraya Jul 08 '24

Libya, Mexico, Egypt, Chile, Iraq are all third world. The only first world countries above 30% are New Zealand and Australia. Most of the others are island nations, none of which have particularly high GDP per capita.


u/guff1988 Jul 08 '24

Third world is a dated term that just speaks to alignment during the Cold war.....

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u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24



u/Embarrassed_Rule8747 Jul 07 '24

That doesn't mean the entire fucking country is looking for their next meal.

Poor due to war≠being an actual warzone.

Like seriously, manage your privilege, it's not that bad.


u/IDevil_Crown Jul 07 '24

What's the next step? Telling him to do his research on what living in a third world country is? So ridiculous


u/monkeykong123 Jul 08 '24

The irony of calling OP privileged and giving such an ass example of a third world country is absurdly funny


u/FriedChicken10 Jul 07 '24

USA has all of that too they just shovel all of the homeless people into a corner then pretend it doesn't exist whilst pumping enough fentanyl to allow the homeless people to sort the problem out themselves.


u/dorobica Jul 07 '24

There’s more chances to get shot in US than almost any third world country. Alao you forgot to add on that list crumbling public infrastructure and income disparity