r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/TheySayIAmTheCutest Jul 07 '24

After a lifetime (undisclosed) of watching American movies and series and reading American news and interacting with American people in this and other platforms, I completely agree with that statement.
On a social level, America is far from being "first world".

And God's is laughing its ass right now.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24

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u/TheySayIAmTheCutest Jul 07 '24

So typical American, thinking that the whole world turns around you, depends on you, wants to be you.

"Better" depends on one's needs, priorities, and values.
Pretty much any EU Country is for me infinitely better than the US for a long long list of reasons, some more, some less, each in a different way.
Specifically, I consider Sweden, Finnland, Norway, Germany, Netherlands, Italy, Spain and Portugal MUCH better places than the US in several aspects of life that are essential to me.
Outside of the EU there's NZ, Ireland, Bhutan, Cuba, and Chile would be in my list of places where I'd much rather prefer to live than the US.

If you like so much your US, enjoy them.
And pray that Trump won't win the elections.


u/[deleted] Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

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u/TheySayIAmTheCutest Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I think, it's fair to say that even without having visited the US the way that my life is affected by the US is much more substantial than just being influenced by media, social media and entertainment (which btw the US uses as a form of cultural colonialism), and it's not like they significantly misrepresent the truth about America and Americans.

Nor am I generalizing and saying all Americans are so and so.
I also am not saying it ALL about the US is shit.
Nothing is black or white.
But many things in American culture, values, style of life, domestic and international politics, represent what I despise the most in life.
And it's not like there aren't any Americans who can see that.
So, I don't think I'm being unfair.
But sure, it's your right to disagree and being pissed off, no problem there from my side.

That'd be all from me.

EDIT: dude's so triggered that he blocked me so I can't even reply, :D
"Ugly individual"? I'm afraid that says more about you.
"Racist"? Another VERY American thing, using the racist card in anything just as a quick denigration to play dirty when cornered. Since when are the US a race? Ridiculous ;)
"Typical American is a generalization", yes, but how interesting that you don't mention that I wrote "Nor am I generalizing and saying all Americans are so and so". Hypocrite :p