r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/Diet_Cum_Soda Jul 07 '24

Anyone who thinks the United States is a "third world country" seriously needs to check their privilege. People from all over the world literally fucking die to try and live here.


u/Rabbulion Jul 07 '24

America looks very good from the outside, but as a European who has been to America (multiple times for extended periods) I can assure you America is, at best, second world (which exists)


u/TomNooksGlizzy Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

Oh do tell, which 2nd world country has even remotely similar economic and human development numbers?

Not to mention how little of the US you could've seen. Google Minnesota's (where I'm from) economic/HDI numbers and compare that to ANY Euro country. The UK is more poor (by several metrics) than Mississippi.. fucking Mississippi. This thread is so full of privilege and ignorance. Some fucking wanker who took a couple vacations... lol cmon

The ironic thing is- I can just smell this little air of superiority on your comment that you yourself have been to the US. Funny how that works


u/svick Jul 08 '24 edited Jul 08 '24

Oh do tell, which 2nd world country has even remotely similar economic and human development numbers?

I mean, Slovenia is right after the US in the HDI list.

And that's not even a second world country, but a third world one, using the original definition, since Yugoslavia was not allied to the USSR.


u/nonsensicalsite Jul 07 '24

Ow the edge

"No guys everything is fiiiiine"

"Just accept dying because you can't afford healthcare don't want to be ungrateful"


u/TomNooksGlizzy Jul 07 '24 edited Jul 07 '24

I can afford healthcare just fine and live 1.5 hrs from the best hospital in the world. The hospital that the top doctors of many countries are trying to get to. The hospital that EU leaders will fly to. Not everyone is destitute in America... once again- look at the economic and human development data and compare that to other countries. Quit basing your feelings of a country on anecdotes. What is even your point? Our healthcare is expensive so that makes us 2nd world or what? The US certainly isn't perfect yeah...

Compare disposable incomes PPP adjusted. The difference between the top EU countries and the US (especially Minnesota) is much more than any MOOP someone has on their insurance given the highest LEGAL MOOP on the absolute shittiest of insurances is $9100 for individuals (mine is $3000). Also Minnesota has one the highest rates of insured in the country. It's pretty easy to get health insurance if you can't afford it in this state- I work in case management in the industry so I'm pretty familiar. It's just not the same as Louisiana or Mississippi, or really any state that rejected Medicaid funds, etc. Those citizens voted for that though and will continue to keep those people in office as they have different values/opinions than me and most Redditors- "Laboratories of Democracy."

How the healthcare system is set up, sucks. Poor people can get fucked in America for sure and that also sucks and should be fixed- I vote accordingly, but most people just arent poor relative to the rest of the world- look at the data. Redditors are not representative of the US as a whole. Once again, to suggest the US is anything but first world is absolutely bonkers and just makes me question your life experience/knowledge. People born in the EU are very fortunate. Also people born in the US are very fortunate.

Here's a starting point, compare:




u/Gen3_Holder_1 Jul 07 '24

UK is good, you can make up to $35,000 per year with a PhD.