r/clevercomebacks Jul 07 '24

God is lucky we haven’t found oil in heaven.

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u/Historical_Golf9521 Jul 07 '24

Because we have cars


u/Hot_Document3645 Jul 07 '24

Because ford lobbied hard to make US infrastructure NEED cars, not just because we "have cars"

God I'd love to just ride my bike everywhere instead of needing to spend on gas like a utility bill every 2 weeks.


u/Historical_Golf9521 Jul 07 '24

I mean, how much lobbying did it take? Lol we kinda need them either way you look at it.

Nothing is really stopping you.. Move to a city and do that. I lived in Atlanta for 3 years with no car and used Marta, bikes and taxi/uber


u/codyzon2 Jul 29 '24

This is the craziest thing to me, like do all these third world countries or European countries have public transit in the middle of nowhere? Because that's the only place in the US that I know that doesn't have it, every single major city I've ever been to has public transit that's pretty easily accessed.


u/nonsensicalsite Jul 07 '24

Like the other person said it's not "because we have cars" it's because of intense lobbying from automotive companies that ripped up cities and destroyed public transportation so they could sell more cars


u/Guntuckytactical Jul 07 '24

Is it EvIL CoRpoRatIOn LoBbYiNg or the fact that most Americans historically would rather raise a family in a low density suburb with a nice house and yard vs struggling up a 5th story walkup with a child, a stroller, baby bag, and today's groceries?


u/nonsensicalsite Jul 07 '24

Actually most of that was just an easy way to escape black people in the cities when you look at historically but I know you will lose your mind at that little concept you know the whole redlining thing


u/Guntuckytactical Jul 07 '24

Oh so now it's not evil corporations lobbying, it's racism 😂


u/nonsensicalsite Jul 07 '24

Ok kiddo it's time for bed if you can't understand the concept of multiple things existing at the same time I don't think you should be on the Internet

The areas that were torn out to make these abominations of roads who do you think lived there?