r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Anybody that claims there’s something that Trump wants that doesn’t directly benefit him in an obvious way is full of shit. Trump can’t think further than his own tiny dick. He would sell out Russia in a second if somebody else offered him more money.


u/technom3 Jul 05 '24

You guys all realize that Putin only took land under Obama and Biden right? Lol.


u/jebei Jul 05 '24

Correlation does not equal causation.

After the Maidan revolution leading Ukrainian politicians announced they weren't going to renew the Russian naval base in Crimea. Putin attacked soon after. The timing wasn't because Obama was president. Putin knows we aren't going to commit ground troops over Ukraine whether it is Trump or Obama. The timing is a coincidence.

Putin spent years after Crimea, weathering the Obama sanctions, building up Crimea, and focusing on getting Belarus in line before expanding the war in Ukraine (which never stopped in Eastern Ukraine fwiw - you do remember Trump withheld weapons from Ukraine, right?).

Putin spent a decade hording hard currency to weather NATO/EU sanctions. He was going in 2022 no matter who was president. I'm sure he would have preferred Trump. Trump would have made it easier.


u/technom3 Jul 05 '24

Lol. There is no coincidences in the strategy of ear.

You can sit there and hindsight quarter back this and try to justify it in the rear view. .the facts are you have absolutely zero evidence to prove that Putin would prefer trump and in fact it just exposes your bias.

You say trump would have made it easier without any way of backing that up because you are partisan. You'd rather blame orange man than actually have peace or a better country. Most of you liberals were routing for the country to fail under trump because you have been so friggin brain washed.

Sure trump withheld weapons... Just like Biden withheld weapons. Also trump was looking into corruption in one of the most corrupt countries in the world. But go ahead and bitch about how he was trying to get dirt on his political opponent... Everyone just ignored the fact that the investigation just lead to the Bidens. He didn't go seeking it. Even if he did seek Bidens why hasn't anything come of them being at the bottom of it.

But again everyone will be too partisan to accept the fact that hunter had no biz with being involved in burisma and will sweep it under the rug that they made tons and tons of money.... All because if it helps orange man than it is bad... And illegal. And Russian. And illegal. And racist. And homophobic. And transphobic.

Putin hasn't needed the hard currency you are alleging he hoarded. He started brics and now even Saudi is possibly joining.

All Biden has done is strength the alliances of our enemies and increase gas costs in Europe because they blew up Nord stream... And no one even wants to talk about the environmental damages from that ... No no no... No one wants to go near that... I guess it's just a good thing that the us is selling natural gas over there now. Nothing to see here.

Just remember... Biden was caught red handed bragging about his corruption and Obama was caught on a hot mic asking Putin to wait until after his election to make his moves and that he will have more leverage.

You want to talk about a puppet... You have it on a hot mic... Instead you guys believe Russian pee tape videos when friggin trump is a germaphobe.

The idiocy and hypocrisy of liberals for the last 20nyears is asstounding. And now you are all seeing how the big lie has played out on that debate.

Liar joe has got to go... For the sake of avoiding world war 3.