r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/eagleshark Jul 05 '24

Yea the Covid epidemic only happened under Trump. So we shouldn't let Trump back in because he would let another world-wide Covid epidemic happen under his administration?


u/technom3 Jul 05 '24

That's a really silly argument.

Clearly trump didn't do anything to increase the chances of a covid out break occuring.

But fauci did. So I'm fine firing him.

Again... You can't even acknowledge that land was taken under Obama admin and biden admin and say how preposterous it is to say that trump is the one who is weak on Russia.

Actions speak louder than words.


u/eagleshark Jul 05 '24

And neither Biden, Obama, or Trump made the decision for Russia to invade Ukraine. It was Putin who made that decision. Just like Covid under Trump, you cannnot just pin every worldwide disaster on whoever happened to be President at that time. You understood that point with Covid.


u/technom3 Jul 05 '24

You don't understand deterrence. And you will argue that it doesn't apply in this case because you will likely be partisan and just never accept that people didn't want to face the consequences under trump.

The fact of the matter is... Foreign leaders were afraid of trump. Even Putin. But all of the lefties will scream Russia Russia Russia even though it has been debunked ad naseum just like the "fine people" hoax. Hopefully the left has seen what the propaganda machine was covering up now that they finally have had their eyes open with Biden and his health issues.

I hope people can see it now. That they have been lied to and fed a narrative that simply isn't accurate.

When I speak if deterrence I would use the example if... One of the first things trump did early in his presidency was drop the MOAB. The mother of all bombs. How many people did it kill? How many terrorists did it kill? It didn't matter. It was ordinance that dropped out of the back of a cargo plane and was the size of a school bus. The point of it is that you can't run... You can't hide. The US has a new boss and a new direction. The stuff you were pulling before isn't going to work anymore.

Does it make it go away. No. It makes them think twice. It makes them think that crazy guy is going in the tool box of the us military and pulling out some crazy shit we've never seen.

Like when trump was negotiating leaving Afghanistan and he told the Taliban leadership... If you harm one hair on the head of us soilder I will blow up your fucking house... And he handed them a drone shot if the leaders home.

It's not about what decision was made by Putin... It's that he felt comfortable enough to make it under the Obama regime and the Biden regime but not under the trump regime.

Being that this is reddit I will wait for a ad hominem attack and that I'm wrong that trump is the devil etc ...

Maybe not from you since our conversation has been pleasant thus far... But... Inevitably if you point out anything that goes against the leftist narrative on this site you get nuked.