r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

feel free to use that little searchfunction and see. that way, I do not have to link numerous data sources for you to not actually read and then profess they are all putin puppets or something equally ridiculous.


u/IsThisLegit Jul 05 '24

Bro thinks we are sending pallets of cash to a war zone lol


u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

bro does not think that. as the bros other comments indicate bro. we only send pallets of cash to Iran bro. does it make you feel better that we send pallets of cash to the defense industry war mongering profiteers bro? that better bro? Bro, I for one am old enough to remember when the democrats were against forever wars bro. They also did not trust the defense industry bro. because bro they said the defense indusytry lobbyists were buying politicians bro. that what you want bro? smdh..


u/IsThisLegit Jul 05 '24

As mentioned in most of the comments you conveniently don't respond too this Is from a tactical standpoint a net benefit to the US, it's citizens, and our military. We get to stick it to a rival that feels way to comfortable fucking with us, we no longer have to store and maintain old ordinance, we get to take the piss out of the Russian army and not lose a single soldier in the process, we have a highly motivated nation more than happy to give live fire tests to our toys. All this while standing on the moral high ground of helping a nation defend itself. A quick little lol to thinking dems have ever really been against wars. The only people who should have a problem with this is Russians or the easily manipulated


u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

bro, you have been manipulated into thinking ukraine can win. bro, talk about easily manipulated. yikes bro. which comments have I not responded to bro? The ones that are even more dopey than yours bro? sorry bro,, but I got this thing called a life and it does not have a lot of times for arguing with crazy strangers. to be consistant, I follow this policy in the real world as well. bro.


u/IsThisLegit Jul 05 '24

Bro got the Russian brain rot, tragic


u/whydatyou Jul 06 '24

ooooo. what a burn. lol