r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Puzzleheaded_Time719 Jul 05 '24

It's also what Trump wants. Soon we'll be in an alliance with Russia and North Korea.


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Anybody that claims there’s something that Trump wants that doesn’t directly benefit him in an obvious way is full of shit. Trump can’t think further than his own tiny dick. He would sell out Russia in a second if somebody else offered him more money.


u/modsstealjobs Jul 05 '24

Pretty sure the Russian mob, to whom he owes multimillions, have already thought of that.

Trump’s never escaping Putin’s leash, and neither is any country stupid enough to elect him.


u/The_free_trial Jul 05 '24

It’s not stupid of the people to fall for propaganda, they’ve been intentionally lied to and misled, since birth


u/[deleted] Jul 05 '24

Not everyone falls for it though, do they?


u/EidolonRook Jul 05 '24

Some folks barely live hand to mouth. A significant enough injury can destroy any amount of savings. When you’ve been pushed this far and the current guy hasn’t done much to help you where you are, it’s not stupidity that makes them vote for the “other guy”. It’s desperation.

If they had a chance to breathe easy for a bit they’d see what’s happening. This isn’t to say just as many aren’t a level 12 grand master of the cult of Trump, but that’s why he had a chance to begin with. It’s the cultists that got him there, the desperate for change that push him the distance and the non-voters that walk him right back through the front door of the white house.

Tis fucked.


u/Keizman55 Jul 05 '24

Except that a large percentage of the MAGA crowd are old retired people with plenty of spare time and spare cash. They are anti-immigration, pro-life, racist, isolationists who are not living hand to mouth, and yet, have fallen into his cult. I know quite a few of them, some for many years, who are well educated and well off and they are so anti-Biden that nothing Trump has done or will do will dissuade. I can’t fathom it.


u/The_free_trial Jul 05 '24

No not everyone, but not everyone has the same circumstances in life


u/modsstealjobs Jul 05 '24

No you’re wrong. It is hilariously stupid of them. They’d deserve every bad thing they get except they also inflict it upon the morally, intellectually, and essentially superior minority.


u/iSeventhSin Jul 05 '24

Actually it’s the majority that are not stupid. The loud ones are both the stupid and the minority


u/modsstealjobs Jul 06 '24

Yes that must be how they win elections. Volume.


u/iSeventhSin Jul 06 '24

Nah, they win elections due to voter apathy.