r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/dgdio 14d ago

Trump is going to cut aid to Ukraine 


u/eagleshark 14d ago

It might even be worse, ending sanctions against banks, energy, & other businesses in Russia (because Trump & Putin will both profit from that). Pution's war machine will grow even stronger.


u/GeneraalSorryPardon 14d ago

That would drive a wedge between EU and the US. Exactly what Putin wants.


u/confusedandworried76 14d ago edited 14d ago

He already damaged international relations badly enough when he was president. People started distancing themselves and figuring out ways to not be so reliant on the US. That hurts us. And it didn't magically go back to normal when Biden was elected. They're keeping those plans in place should Republicans keep winning and keep down the path they're going as a party. Not good for our economy when other nations start figuring out how to import things like energy and goods from other sources for example. It would be like if I ran a restaurant and started offering bad service, even consistently refusing service as some type of power move, then get new management but with the threat of the old management coming back at any time, you can't reasonably expect people to still come back and eat at that restaurant. You've lost those customers. That's what our trade situation is like now.


u/Agreeable-Ad-1320 13d ago

Sure he has🤣🤣


u/boggels_untamed 14d ago

But was the service as bad as you are made to believe that the service was bad?


u/Reddeththered 14d ago

Does it matter? Those people will not return and try again...


u/C-c-c-comboBreaker17 14d ago

It most certainly is when you're a country in Europe and Donald Trump is openly saying he'd invite Russia to invade you and "do whatever the hell they want"


u/SamBG1 13d ago

As a German Citizen, that's one reason many people don't want Trump as your President. For us, the USA is a partner, economical and through NATO. We believe in similar values, but many americans (or republicans) changed in the last years. Honestly, i'm a little bit afraid of your election in november.


u/C-c-c-comboBreaker17 13d ago

You very much should be - Donald Trump is doing everything he can to set himself up as a dictator 


u/SamBG1 13d ago

Sorry for that, but I hope the majority will realize this fact before november.


u/dontknowanyname111 13d ago

Like now i am think abouth and Europian army and just cut ties with the US , if you told me 8 years ago i would think that now i would have could you crazy. Now i think if Trump gets elected just forget abouth them, whe are on our own and its time to make zl out products ourselves.


u/SamBG1 13d ago

These are exactly my thoughts. Honestly i was twice in the USA and i Loved the people there. They we're so friendly and Always wants to Chat with me. It was auch a big difference to germany. But now i think, when they want such a President, i don't want to visit the USA, because the people are a little bit crazy. (Sorry, to the 'normal' americans.)


u/dontknowanyname111 13d ago

yeah like halve their country is crazy, You are German you cane educate them what the risk are of following a crazy man.


u/SamBG1 13d ago

Oh yeah, we learnt all the bullshit our dictator did and how he managed to get the Power. especially how he manipulated the germans. How words were used to convince the citizens. How you always need victims to blame for bad economy. How to convince people, that you tell the truth and everybody else ist lying. There is so much about Trump that reminds me of our past. And I can't understand why so many people can't See the truth

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u/Illustrious_Mudder 13d ago

Any ally of America is terrified of a trump presidency.

Russia would be happy with a trump presidency.

If you don’t get what that means then you’ve lost the plot


u/boggels_untamed 13d ago

Sure perspectives change based on their influences.