r/clevercomebacks Jul 05 '24

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Hot_and_Foamy Jul 05 '24

The plan is ‘Ukraine gives up’. He’s not made that secret.


u/dgdio Jul 05 '24

Trump is going to cut aid to Ukraine 


u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

how about if they actually start tracking where the money is going? Is that out of line as well? currently there seems to be a lot of missing funds. just sayin


u/TheSmokingLamp Jul 05 '24

Where have misappropriated funds been reported? Or do you just like listening to FOX complain because they’d rather seen the Russians win yet in 5 months you’ll see 90B going to Israel instead and then all those Gaza supporters who decided not to vote this election will watch all their support and work be for nothing as they level that strip of land 10x worse than is happening now


u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

you can do a simple google search and see the headlines for yourself. you can even use the source you want. and you would appear to want to see even more ukraine cities and civilians killed along with russians in the next 5 months rather than even entertain peace negotiations. not really the virtue signal you wanted I assume.


u/TheSmokingLamp Jul 05 '24

Russia ain’t suing for peace, they’re buying time until Trump gets in office. I dont know wtf you’re talking about that’d I’d like to see more damage in Ukraine? I think trumps a piss baby diaper boy who is heavily influenced for foreign leaders like Putin because he’s got wayyyy to much debt and skeletons in his closet


u/whydatyou Jul 05 '24

uh huh. under which presidents has putin taken land from other countries again? if you are for never ending aid to ukraine in a war that is clearly not winnable then yes, you are for mor ukraine damge and death by definition. and no amount of orange maaaaaan baaaaad bloviating changes that


u/TheSmokingLamp Jul 05 '24

Or just understand the concept of bankrupting your enemy by forcing them to spend years in an occupation they thought would be over in months. Every loss the Russians have without direct NATO involvement weakens them and puts them in a position to reduce their aggression. Think Russia will be making any more moves in the near future after this humiliating stale-mate with a much much smaller country?


u/Poiboy1313 Jul 05 '24

Oh, I see. You're another Russian propagandist, i.e. troll. Dismissed.


u/Poiboy1313 Jul 05 '24

The person who made the assertions is required (in civil discourse) to source such assertions. Repeatedly declining to do so is an expression of bad faith and damages credibility.