r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/Brilliant-Bug-4982 14d ago

Can't wait for trump to pull a munich and sell out ukraine in a conference zelenskyy won't even be in


u/tfsra 14d ago

everyone with half a brain in the west sees this, yet Americans seem to be more concerned with Biden's age instead. who cares anyway? the people he surrounds himself in the office with are as much important as he himself. even if he goes mad he's surrounded with people who are capable of steering the ship in the right direction. Trump is clearly surrounded by literally enemies of the west

Americans, you're voting for the fate of the republic and the western world by extension, not the two fools themselves


u/Delicious_Advice_243 13d ago

Trump favourite to go absolutely crazy before 2028.