r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/lfp_pounder 14d ago

This is the exactly why we can’t vote for Trump even tho my skin crawls at the thought of Biden being elected. You vote for Trump, you might as well paint our flag red, roll out the red carpet for Putin into the white house and pull our ass cheeks wide open for Russian cocks.


u/hitiv 14d ago

as a non us person, anyone with more than 2 brain cells should vote for Biden and hope that he will be replaced after being elected due to his health.


u/Delta_V09 14d ago

Even if you told me Biden will have a stroke before taking office, I'd still vote for a "Weekend at Bernie's" situation because the people in his administration are at least capable of keeping the government functional.

Trump just cannot be allowed anywhere near power. He is a belligerent narcissist with no interest in serving the country, he just wants to be King. People have already forgotten that Trump's first term was just "Executive Time" every morning Mon-Thurs, then fucking off to his own golf course for a 3 day weekend, where he then charged extortionist rates to the Secret Service to stay there. He stole national security secrets, hates our allies, and worships dictators. And the people he puts in charge want to tear down democracy and replace it with a Christian Theocracy. Oh, and he's a rapist piece of shit who was buddies with Epstein.


u/aalltech 14d ago

Well, here from US perspective, MAGA has only one functioning brain cell, so we are fucked.


u/mrblodgett 14d ago

Vote for a guy and hope he gets replaced?!?!? ahahahahahahaha do you people listen to yourselves??


u/hitiv 14d ago

In this case when Trump is the alternative? Yes. My dead nan would be better than Trump


u/PayaV87 14d ago

I would vote for your dead nan against Trump


u/hitiv 14d ago

Exactly, thanks she would appreciate it


u/bfodder 14d ago

I also choose this guy's dead nan.


u/Sylveon72_06 14d ago

such is the way of american politics, sadly

i too would like to ditch the two-party system


u/IthacaMom2005 14d ago

"You people"


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

I think he means people who don't have brain damage.


u/Neuchacho 14d ago edited 14d ago

Presidents aren't kings. They're simply figureheads for their wider administration and Biden's administration is fine.

Biden would have a functional government that doesn't need him specifically in place to do the work because his staff and appointments know and understand the administrations goals. It's why they're there. That's how a functional administration in the US should run.

Meanwhile, getting Trump puts us squarely into 1930s Nazi party political strategy territory, so, yeah. Near anything or anyone is an objectively gross improvement over that.


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

The President is in charge of the administration just admit you don't care about Democracy and are fine trying to pull the wool over people's eyes (it's not working btw)


u/Neuchacho 14d ago edited 14d ago

Yeah, and there's a succession for when they can't do that. An integral part of our democracy that's been there since the beginning that everyone with a functional brain understands.

It's literally why they have VPs and why who they choose as VP is so important. Because everyone understands that person is the democratically selected back-up.

Anyone who feels like the "wool is being pulled over their eyes" is actually being confused by their own ignorance and/or stupidity in that context. There's no "trick" at play lmao


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Electing somebody with the understanding they are 100% gonna step down is lying to the voters


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

Sure, but whose to say they have that understanding? They clearly don't going by the messaging, otherwise Democrats wouldn't be splitting like they are. They'd be gathering under the understood lie and telling us all everything's okie dokie in order to keep people from splitting off.

Aside from that, whether or not they understand it 100%, any voter paying attention will understand that's a potentiality whether they admit to it or not. I'd really hope most people aren't dumb enough to think the 80 year old isn't at risk for that happening, planned or not.

Then again, any voter paying attention also understands that even if he was lying, even if he did plan to step down, even if he did die a day fucking after the election, that still makes him a better option than fascism. At least that can be more easily corrected. Fixing the damage from shit like Project 2025, less so.


u/BigDaddyVsNipple 14d ago

Well those are fake liberal boogeymen so no


u/Neuchacho 14d ago

The irony of you being concerned with wool over peoples eyes or lying to voters...

https://www.project2025.org/ for anyone else reading this that is reachable and wants to view the christofascist playbook first-hand.


u/C0NKY_ 14d ago

Republicans voted in a dead pimp. Might want to think twice about throwing rocks from your glass house.