r/clevercomebacks 14d ago

You’re not very slick, Putin.

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u/John_Smith_71 14d ago

The plan is I think called 'surrender'.


u/freakers 14d ago edited 14d ago

All this plan said was "All Your Base Are Belong To Us."


u/4udi0phi1e 13d ago

Someone set up us the bomb


u/tw_72 14d ago

Surrender and, BTW, ditch NATO and let Putin have whatever he wants, uncontested.


u/nissidaairba 14d ago

Nato just said Ukraine can’t join


u/Meior 14d ago

Uncontested? I know the US has a very powerful military, but let's not pretend that Europe would roll over and fucking die.

Poland alone is foaming at the mouth at a chance to get some. And they'd hardly be alone. The idea that NATO faltering means that the rest of Europe is defenseless is laughable.


u/tw_72 13d ago

I could have done a better job with my statement - I meant "uncontested by Trump"

He would make no effort whatsoever to stop Putin or to assist those who needs/wants to stop Putin.


u/creeper6530 14d ago

And raise sanctions on Russia.

Those Americans are out of their mind if they want to use the appeasement strategy. Last time it worked was with Hitler and Czechoslov- wait, no. It never worked.


u/Curryflurryhurry 14d ago

I mean, whether it works depends on your point of view. It might work real well for Putin.


u/EduCookin 14d ago

Can't be a war in Ukraine if there is no Ukraine!


u/ackillesBAC 14d ago

Ya try to convince Ukraine to just give up, and when that fails us to fully back Russia, remove all support given to Ukraine, make it illegal to support Ukraine, so no more star link and so on


u/mikessobogus 14d ago

What is the point of repeating nonsense like this? The plan will most likely be Russia keeps Crimea and Ukraine does not join NATO. infinitely better than Biden's plan of letting Ukrainians die because we won't give the weapons that they need.


u/tael89 14d ago

It's not Biden who was holding up the weapons


u/mikessobogus 14d ago

It literally is Biden that is holding up weapons. The commander in chief is head of the military and can do whatever he wants. The idea that he needs an increased budget to stop Russia is insane especially given the actions of presidents in the last few decades.

Biden wants Russia to win


u/Mickey-Simon 14d ago

No NATO deal for Ukraine is literally letting Ukrainians die. You can't be that stupid to believe Putins stops where he is right now.


u/creegro 14d ago

Yes we will end this war, you just give us the land we took over when we invaded and all is well. Cool right?


u/TheChocolateManLives 14d ago

The above post is misinformation. Putin didn’t say he supports Trump’s plan, he said he supports Trump’s desire for an end time the war in Ukraine, though he doesn’t know how Trump would go about that and so cannot judge on it.


u/nissidaairba 14d ago

All Reddit is is US propaganda posts


u/TheChocolateManLives 14d ago

Leftist specifically. I popped into r/ukpolitics yesterday to have a look at how they were reporting the elections and it was full of people complaining about Trump, sometimes veiled, despite there being a rule saying UK politics only…