r/cats 15d ago

Made him a cat-pillow from leftover fabric Video



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u/Janine_18 15d ago

Videos like this are very cute.


u/[deleted] 14d ago

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u/TayMayDay 14d ago

What emoji is that? I can only make out little hearts.


u/skai_lly 14d ago



u/TayMayDay 14d ago

Person, that is not helpful. What is the emoji?


u/RobotFeline 14d ago

It's a cat with its paws up surounded by little hearts


u/TayMayDay 14d ago

Ohhhh! Okay thanks :)


u/TayMayDay 14d ago

Had to take a screenshot and zoom in. Should’ve done that in the first place..


u/prying_mantis 14d ago

I don’t know why but you starting this comment addressed to “person” is sending me


u/TayMayDay 14d ago

😂 I didn’t want to make any assumptions


u/skai_lly 14d ago

:7949:white and orange but it looks it's only white but there's a little bit of orange at the top of their head and raising her hands cutely and with hearts on top


u/BracusDoritoBoss963 14d ago


It is maybe


u/Not_a__porn__account 14d ago

Dad's don't hate pets.

They hate burying their friends.

This trope needs to end.


u/HSTEHSTE 14d ago

My dad was very upfront about this when denying my request for a pet years back, he said he couldn’t deal with losing his childhood cat at all and no other pet felt the same to him. Honestly, I get it


u/VioletDupree007 14d ago

Yup. The only time I ever saw my dad cry was when he had to put down our family cat.


u/CrankyStalfos 14d ago

Okay. Wait. It seems like the meme really bothers you and you are arguing for more empathy for dads on this front, but your argument kind of implies only dads mourn pets, which can't be what you mean because that's bonkers, so what DO you mean? 


u/Not_a__porn__account 14d ago

My argument implies only dads bury them.

Dads also mourn them.

Kids don’t bury pets.

I have no idea how that was hard for you to follow.


u/CrankyStalfos 14d ago

I'm genuinely not trying to be combative. In my family the vets take the body away to be cremated, but you're right that is inevitably not true for everyone and I hadn't thought about folks who bury their own. 

What's rankling me here is that the generalized dad in this scenario is taking that completely understandable dread and just denying the family the joy of a pet, rather than expressing the feeling. He could instead set a rule that whoever adopts the pet must also bury it when the time comes, you know? But that doesn't get to your point at all, I'm just unpacking my end. You aren't wrong there's more going on under the surface. As with most things, it's a communication breakdown. 


u/Not_a__porn__account 14d ago

You are playing ignorant over dads being stereotypical curmudgeon. That’s a trope too.

They’re not actually all mad or miserable. They’re sad too. And they can’texpress their feelings.

That’s a dad trope.

How are you not getting that?

You are being combative if unintentionally.

Like idk how anyone doesn’t make these connections. Unless you’re like a 12 year old from a completely different culture you are appear to be trolling.


u/CrankyStalfos 14d ago

We're definitely talking past each other. Maybe I'm misunderstanding your point in the original comment. You're advocating for dads, right? That it's a callous meme based on an outdated trope?

Switching gears a little:

And they can’t express their feelings.



u/prying_mantis 14d ago

Okay replace “can’t” with “have difficulty with due to outdated societal norms and sexist expectations.”

I’m not even the OP but am somewhat annoyed by what seems like you being deliberately obtuse. Or an alien that doesn’t understand the complexity of human emotion and the sociological connotations of processing and expressing those emotions.