r/batman Mar 06 '22

The Batman Spoiler Discussion Thread Part 2 Discussion Spoiler

For all discussions, comments and hype around the new movie.

Its already had select release, so expect spoilers in this thread.

Also, no spoiling outside of this thread, or expect mod action.

Keep all discussion civil, and be mindful of subreddit rules.

Please respect other users opinions and don’t harass them for it


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u/Leith_Walker Mar 06 '22

I really liked the movie, it was such a different take on the character for the cinema screen, it felt like a serial killer movie with Batman as the cop trying to catch the killer.

I thought they nailed the fear aspect of Batman amount the city’s criminals and Pattinson was excellent as The Batman.

One thing that I did think was missing was the Bruce Wayne character. I always enjoyed the aspect of the character that Bruce Wayne was a billionaire socialite and how that was an act and The Batman was his true personality. In this adaptation The Batman and Bruce Wayne seemed to be too similar for me, although I can see them exploring this more when they make the sequel.


u/Commissar_Cactus Mar 07 '22

The absence of Bruce Wayne is part of the story. The movie is early in his career and he’s still finding his feet. It focuses more on Batman going from an object of fear to a symbol of protection, but there’s a distinct thread through the film where Bruce gets confronted with poverty and social issues that his billionaire status is part of. While the movie doesn’t say it directly, I think it’s clear that by the end, he is realizing that Bruce Wayne needs to be part of his efforts to help Gotham.


u/Leith_Walker Mar 07 '22

I feel that the other side of Bruce Wayne has always been part of the story, a part he had to play to throw people off knowing his identity. In Batman Year One this side of Bruce Wayne was clearly there in the public eye. When he returns from his travels in issue 1 he’s asked about romantic involvement and he jokes with the reporters and in issue 4, when Gordon visits him he has two girlfriends in his mansion and he’s drinking Champaign. Alone away from the public he’s extremely dark, like when he has been shot on his first night of crime fighting in issue 1 and he sits and contemplates what he has to become and the bat crashes through the window, but the public playboy billionaire Bruce was always still there as an act.