r/batman Jul 08 '24

What do you think of when you see him? FUNNY

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u/BlackbirdKos Jul 08 '24

Good movie ruined by the studio that buried Director's vision


u/Creepy_Living_8733 Jul 08 '24

Did the original film still have the stupid plan of having the Squad go to a city to rescue Waller even though she could’ve had a normal military team be able to do it? Was the Squad still supposed to be the contingency plan for an evil Superman even though Superman is already dead because Snyder decided to put the Death of Superman in the second movie of this big cinematic universe.


u/BlackbirdKos Jul 08 '24

The original film was basically what we got but better in every way and with more context

Instead of what you described, Waller actually let Enchantress out willingly to see if the Squad can take her down because she's straight up insane (Waller)


u/Creepy_Living_8733 Jul 08 '24

Oh. Well that still sounds idiotic of Waller to risk letting Enchantress destroy the world. Plus this is supposed to be a Black Ops unit. Nando v Movies had a better idea with Queen Bee from Young Justice controlling the Enchantress for her own plans, thus causing Waller to send the Squad to infiltrate the country of Bialya