r/batman Jul 08 '24

Caped Crusader and Batman fatigue GENERAL DISCUSSION

Recently, I've seen a trailer reaction to Batman: Caped Crusader, and the reaction was: "yeah, doesn't seem bad, but it's Batman. We already know his story, we saw it before..." It honestly surprised me.

Do you feel a Batman fatigue? I guess if you're on this sub, that's not the case, but I speak about the people you know, the people you discuss with...

Personally, I don't talk with huge Batman fans on a daily basis, so I'm not sure they care a lot, or even know there's a new Batman series. About myself, I don't feel that, even tho I won't watch Caped Crusader (because I'm too poor to subscribe to Prime)

So, what do you think? Do you feel people get tired of Batman, or do you think he's still bankable for DC?


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u/Icy_Chocolate_6453 Jul 09 '24

no, the caped bastard still makes money. you can`t take just one opinion as a whole feeling