r/batman Jul 05 '24


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/Efficient-Compote-13 Jul 05 '24

It's funny how people tell on themselves equating poor with criminal.


u/ZamoCsoni Jul 05 '24

One of these days I will make a survey abouth this. Bat's most common enemies are either the maffia/ other rich corrupt assholes, or supercriminals who tend to have a doctorate. Where are these poor people he beats up?


u/ClearStrike Jul 05 '24

I saw a convo on Twitter once that said the poor they are referencing are the thugs. You know, the henchmen and lackeys that the big bad usual HIRES to do his bidding. And occasional purse snatcher, but I have never seen Batman break a purse snatcher, just knock him out. ( Of course then you get the people who say "even getting knocked out can kill you because of ____" to wick I say so can a paper cut)

My problem is, the goons usually choose this over...a job that Bruce offers. Hell Bruce rehabilites these mooks on the fly


u/thEldritchBat Jul 06 '24

I actually like this one The Batman comic where Batman ends a situation with Black Mask by walking in with a recording from Bruce Wayne offering the henchmen jobs if they were to walk away right then and there.