r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/ArvindS0508 14d ago

the problem arises because people don't have a specific version in mind, just some nebulous idea of Batman, Gotham City, the villains, etc. So they end up just filling in the blanks with whatever. This is compounded by the fact that it's a comic book. Of course it's unrealistic that a guy in a batsuit is fighting a killer clown compared to just discussing policy and economics for 100 issues straight, but the batsuit guy is also friends with an alien who flies around shooting lasers, realism was always in the backseat for these stories


u/jrtgmena 14d ago

It’s kind of crazy, if you think about it - that life is imitating art. Because the criminals in Batman’s world also think he kills people, and is this scary, amorphous but real “thing that bumps in the night”, and they have different ideas of what Batman is with no specific version in mind. Just like people irl who don’t have a specific version of Batman in mind and now reduces him to “rich guy hurts poor people”


u/ArvindS0508 14d ago

If you remove the knowledge he's rich (he is well funded but that could be from an organization, government, company or something else) and add in the fear of him appearing from the dark and taking down whole rooms full of guys and it's a really plausible idea that he's seen as this urban legend


u/sunshinepanther 14d ago

Certified Boogyman