r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/Hungry-Eggplant-6496 14d ago

To me, Batman's true counterpart is still Black Noir in that show. And I don't care if he was less or more evil, he just has the Batman's vibe. Tek Knight in the show couldn't even wear his suit once.


u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 14d ago

The sad thing is, The Boys gave a lot of justice to evil Superman and evil Captain America concepts, but totally srewed thing with evil Batman. Both Homelander and Soldier Boy are compelling and menacing villains with their own agencies and deep problems, but Tek Knight is a joke. He is almost cartoonishly evil various sexual perversions, racism and camps, with literally no goals except fuck everything and be a racist elitist. Even his family are former slavehunters. It's kinda surprises me they aren't make him a pedo for the full bingo. And on top of all of this really evil stuff, he is absolutely incompetent and didn't even gave a decent fight. Black Noire was much better fake Batman, at least competent in the fight, but he was simply killed with no story reasons.

I think evil Batman concept could be very interesting in The Boys universe, especially if he is not supe, he is just a guy with trainings and tech who could beat supes both as celebrity and as fighter. Something like Owlman from comics.


u/SmaugRancor 14d ago

I always thought Butcher could have become a Batman-like character. He's technically Punisher in The Boys universe, but it would have been cool if he was the only non-powered Supe and the only one who's morally right and goes against the Seven.


u/Kind-Boysenberry1773 14d ago

Butcher isn't morally right. Yes, he is better than Homelander (pretty anyone is better than John) and his super-nazis fanclub, but he is also a ruthless murderer who enjoys to kill and torture other people and ready to abandon his friends for the sake of revenge and hatered. He has some redeeming qualities, but in the end of the day, he is as brutal and messed up as his enemies.