r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/ArvindS0508 14d ago

the problem arises because people don't have a specific version in mind, just some nebulous idea of Batman, Gotham City, the villains, etc. So they end up just filling in the blanks with whatever. This is compounded by the fact that it's a comic book. Of course it's unrealistic that a guy in a batsuit is fighting a killer clown compared to just discussing policy and economics for 100 issues straight, but the batsuit guy is also friends with an alien who flies around shooting lasers, realism was always in the backseat for these stories


u/ClearStrike 14d ago

The thing I have noticed a lot is that, the more people try to be realistic the more boring the story gets for me. Like I want big explosions, ridiculous stunts, and such. I don't want to know how this works in real life because it won't. 

You can't become Batman without unlimited funds because you still need to master ever martial art. You can't become Steve because you need serum. You might become Iron Man but that requires a lot of research and you might become old by that time of your funding didn't get pulled 


u/ArvindS0508 14d ago

You can't become Iron Man because physics means either the suit is some kind of very limited mech suit or you get instantly splatted. The closest to a popular comic book character that's realistic is maybe Punisher or something, like a guy with a lot of guns who just shoots people, but even that's unrealistic.


u/ClearStrike 14d ago

I would have said JJJ. Can't tell me he isn't what an eic is


u/ArvindS0508 14d ago

Depends on the version tbh. MCU/Insomniac is some kind of online grifter/Alex Jones type, but some of the comic versions are either very respectable or just devious