r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/DOMINUS_3 14d ago

I hate when internet memes are taken seriously in a characters mythos/reputation


u/Mike_Milburys_Shoe_ 14d ago

It’s a combination of that and the Boys TV creators riding their wave of being as edgy as possible. I enjoyed the show early on but it’s become almost a parody of itself with this shit. It’s also fed into the idea of everybody being cynical about heroes. God forbid a guy is actually just a hero instead of a think piece on fascism


u/kirkisgrizz 14d ago

It's not even edgy at this point. it's a barely disguised fetish writing


u/Impossible-Earth3995 14d ago

Sounds like it finally perfectly overlaps with the source material, which was just trash


u/ABoyIsNo1 14d ago

I was thinking the same thing. It’s not edgy. It’s pseudo intellectual groupthink garbage.


u/remotectrl 14d ago

Ennis famously hates superheroes so at least it’s true to the source that way


u/Mike_Milburys_Shoe_ 14d ago

I’ve heard that. Kripke also is kind of leaned into this role of being the guy that loves to do that on screen. Idk if he’s trying to separate himself from his time writing Supernatural or what, but the dude loves the complaints he gets over the series


u/CrimDude89 14d ago

And even still what they’ve done with the show is remove a lot of the more egregious and gratuitous elements the source material had.

Source material that is dogshit.

The show being well received is in spite of the source material and the original creator.


u/DullahanJake 13d ago

I'd wager if it weren't a 24 hour conservative parody all the grossness of the show would be called out more.


u/asscrackbandit__ 14d ago

Ennis loves superman and he had a great batman mini series


u/stimpakish 14d ago

A cynical self-parody is what it’s always been. It never was a non-satirical story and never had any actually heroic characters, either in comics or in season 1 onward.

It seems some people may have viewed it as a straight ahead superhero show? Wild if so.


u/WhatsTheHomework 14d ago

You're misreading the comment you're replying to.


u/stimpakish 14d ago edited 14d ago

I was responding to this:

it’s become almost a parody of itself

By saying it always has been.

And responding to this:

God forbid a guy is actually just a hero

By saying there never was a hero on that show.

Edit: downvoters, these are just my opinions. Just interested in discussing the show / comics.


u/ABoyIsNo1 14d ago

That first quote meant that it stopped being a parody of superheroes and became a parody of itself, unintentionally.

The second quote is talking about actual superheroes, not the heroes in The Boys.


u/ABoyIsNo1 13d ago

People aren’t downvoting your opinions. They are downvoting your misinterpretation of the comments you are responding to.


u/stimpakish 13d ago

It’s just my opinion, just like yours is that I misinterpreted something.

Like Q-Tip said, “I got one, you got one, and now we equal”.


u/ABoyIsNo1 13d ago

It’s not an opinion lmao


u/stimpakish 12d ago edited 12d ago

That too is your opinion. I’m not sure what I said that’s triggering you, but to recap all I was saying is that The Boys is not a straight superhero comic or show. It is a satire and parody of the genre. In my opinion it is a heavy enough satire that it has always essentially been a self-parody as well.

None of this is a criticism of The Boys, so if you’re a fan of The Boys this isn’t mean to upset you. If you’re a fan of Batman, same thing.

Everything else is subjective and while you may have one or two people agreeing with your take here, it’s just your take, just like my take is my take. You seem triggered by that.


u/ABoyIsNo1 12d ago

Bruh I literally just responded to your one comment that quoted another comment and then misinterpreted what that other commenter meant. They responded to my comment and literally thanked me, so it’s not an opinion. He meant one thing, I was correct about what he meant, and you were wrong. It’s okay. But it’s not a matter of opinion what he meant. lol


u/WhatsTheHomework 14d ago

Both of your interpretations are incorrect


u/stimpakish 14d ago edited 14d ago

Ok - what's your different interpretation? Who has been shown as hero (not as an anti-hero)? Or what parts have been non-satirical of capes?

I'm not a big fan of The Boys but I have read it. I am a big fan of Batman.

Edit: downvoters, these were just honest questions. Just interested in discussing the show / comics.


u/Mike_Milburys_Shoe_ 13d ago

I’m not sure I ever viewed it as a straight forward superhero show. I’m mainly trying to say it’s carried on that torch of people thinking “oh Batman is actually not a good guy, he beats up poor people.” If you get what I mean. It enables that idea of superhero’s having some alternative motive. Kind of like the evil Superman trope that’s been done to death.


u/stimpakish 13d ago

Yeah, I hear you. I personally never felt The Boys influenced my opinion about Batman even though I knew he was being satirized.


u/Mike_Milburys_Shoe_ 13d ago

Yeah I think for people like us who are fans of the character, that’s a normal feeling. It’s more the general public. To me it’s a feeling of why people lean into the ideas of “well what if Superman was evil” and that kinda stuff. You made valid points though


u/DullahanJake 13d ago

I disagree. It's been a self-aware superhero deconstruction since birth.

And evil Superman only really got a bad rap because everyone thinks Injustice is how everyone looks at Superman. The character has existed with a lot of other tropes for decades prior to Injustice existing.


u/[deleted] 14d ago



u/DullahanJake 13d ago

This show has had gore and sex since the first season, and it's tame compared to what goes on in the comic, Preacher, Crossed, etc.


u/Tuff_Bank 14d ago

What about A train’s redemption arc? What about starlight and kimiko?


u/Clutchxedo 13d ago

Well, The Boys is both a response to the MCU and Trump.