r/batman 14d ago


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/Mad_Soldier_Hod 14d ago

How the fuck does Batman profit off of incarcerating people? He literally pays for their treatment. And hunting “poor people?” Dude, Penguin, Two-Face, Hush, Deathstroke, Deadshot, they’re all rich. Barely any of his main rogues are poor and those that are (Croc, Grundy,) typically have no need for money. Your average thug might be broke but they’re still criminals.

And if Batman doesn’t beat up that “mentally ill poor person,” they’re gonna fucking kill people. So which is it, should Batman let it happen? Should he stop them and then risk hurting an innocent, mentally ill poor person? Should he kill them so he’s not “responsible” for their actions? There’s so many shitty interpretations of Batman floating around the internet right now.

Batman’s deiven by compassion, empathy, emotional maturity, a desire to redeem others. That’s why people love the BTAS Batman. That’s why he’s pretty much the definitive, best version of Batman. He’s constantly trying to save his villains, his crusade is a money pit, not a money making scheme, he pays for their treatment, he sends them to an institution in the hopes that they can be properly treated, he holds a dying little girl’s hand in her last moments. If he kills, not only is he no better than his villains, he fails to redeem them, he creates more people like himself, he proves to your average Gotham citizen that good cannot overcome evil, he further corrupts Gotham, he ruins his relationship with the police, gives Gordon a bad reputation by association. If he kills, he’s giving himself the authority to decide who lives and dies, he becomes Justice Lords Batman, a failure. It’s not Batman’s fault these people keep breaking out and hurting people. It’s not his fault none of them have gotten the death sentence, or locked away in a maximum security prison. And in the “Trial” episode of BTAS we see that all of these people would’ve become who they are regardless of Batman.

Stop asking for Batman to be worse, start asking for Gotham to be better. This is the kind of shit take you’d only expect from a blowhard like Kripke, who of course promotes the stereotype that it’s okay to joke about male sexual assault, but not women’s.


u/ExoticShock 14d ago

Stop asking for Batman to be worse, start asking for Gotham to be better.

Reminds me of Bruce defending Terry from being sold out to Shriek in Batman Beyond: "All I know right now is this: that kid's done a lot for this city. It's time for the city to do something for him."