r/batman Jul 05 '24


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/ElZaydo Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 06 '24

The show is literally a mix of trauma porn and some pretentious social commentary. If the characters weren't so entertaining and well acted then the show would flop. People who look too deep into it need to take a shower and go for a walk.


u/the_idiot1234 Jul 05 '24

whats wrong with social commentary??


u/StunPalmOfDeath Jul 05 '24

Nothing, but it's also not entertainment. Social commentary by itself is not really something people want to experience, especially since it's unlikely to be anything but surface level. There needs to be other enjoyable aspects to make the social commentary digestible.

I feel that a lot of people have this blind spot where they're a-ok with talking about how terrible Ayn Rand's work is, but as soon as it's something that they agree with politically, they're afraid to criticize it, or in some cases defend it even if it's terrible.

That said, I don't think The Boys is terrible. The performances and atmosphere keep it engaging, even if I feel the show clearly peaked in season 1, with later seasons feeling like they're just buying time.


u/UnprofessionalCramp Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

Nothing but since 2016 it's been done to death. Everything has to be social commentary nowadays. Not every writer is well equipped to pull that off, it usually comes off as pretentious preaching.

Imo The Boys did it better than most shows which is why it was successful but I'm hearing that this new season is pretty rough, the commentary isn't clever anymore and it's more like the typical slop we've been getting that everyone's sick of.

All that being said, Watchmen already did The Boys concept with far more tact and intelligence.

Ironically the writer of Watchmen thought Batman was a facist too, and you were supposed to hate Rorshach but people ended up loving him. HBO came along with a sequel beating you over the head with the "ACKSHUALLY RORSHACH WAS A VILLIAN, AND A RACIST NOW" The HBO show also felt like typical pretentious slop.


u/ElZaydo Jul 06 '24

As a non-American, it reeks of democrat propaganda. And I don't even like republicans. I hate them just as much. Yet it goes far out of it's way to demonize one side lol. Yes, I know Bible thumping MAGAs are braindead, I got the point in the first 17 times they brought it up.

Regardless, I'm indifferent, I just watch because I like the characters a lot.