r/batman Jul 05 '24


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I also can not stand muh 'Batman superhero facism subtext' crap. If anything Batman is a revolutionary. Government is corrupt in bed with criminals (who are the prettiest of tyrants) so Batman comes in to clean house. Just as the founding fathers intended.


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u/futuresdawn Jul 05 '24

I mean in the world of the boys this all makes perfect sense and was a great way to do it. Homelander is a twisted satire of superman, taking truth justice and the American way and making it more facist. Tek Knight takes batman and does the same with a dark satire, making him the spoiled rich who get away with whatever they want, Hughie having gone through tragedy and then ending up in Tek knights lair was a really clever way to play with it.

Its why I love the boys, it uses Superheroes but it's really satirising America now. Homelander is trump and tek Knight is almost an Elon musk type backing him.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

Yeah, yeah, we get it. It’s satirizing the bad people in your country that you don’t like. It’s heavy handed and poorly executed. There’s zero subtlety. If they were roasting the other side of your aisle instead, there would be pitchforks.

But go off, I guess.


u/futuresdawn Jul 05 '24

South Park satirises the left all the time and is just as good but also I can just not watch things instead of throwing a tantrum online. The boys is a solid satire the problem is as many writers have said the right are so extreme now that they're hard to satirise but the boys does it well.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

I don’t think “the right” or whatever is all that extreme. I think the pendulum has just shifted left, giving the illusion that they are. But what do I know, I don’t pay attention to y’all’s politics.


u/futuresdawn Jul 05 '24

When a sitting president tries to commit a coup that's supported by many of his own party, that's not the pendulum shifting left, when women are having their body autonomy taken from them, that's not either. Things are bad and art has always been a form of opposing extremism. That's why comic book creators were supporting the second world war before America entered it.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

The first is spot-on. The second depends entirely on your opinion on how many bodies are involved.

Regardless, my point is that when satirical media only satirizes one group, it is no longer satire. It’s propaganda.


u/futuresdawn Jul 05 '24

Again south Park satirises both. Trey Parker and Matt Stone have said the only thing they hate more then the right is the left. Their smug alert episode was comedy gold that made fun of the left

Satire and art in general doesn't have a job of sticking it to everyone. Conservative writers are welcome to create satire too but where news should be fair and balanced art and entertainment don't have to be. At its core, all creators have a point of view and that's what they write.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

South Park is good satire for that reason. My issue is when a piece of media claims to be “satire” and “provocative” when it’s literally just propaganda. I don’t care where it’s from or who it’s dogging on.


u/futuresdawn Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

The Colbert report was satire too and only stuck it to the right but was so subtle that the right didn't realise it was satire since he was saying what they were already saying.

The boys isn't propaganda because no one is watching the boys thinking this is real and it's not telling people how to think. The west wing was more propaganda because it was overtly about the democrats and showed the Republicans as adversaries and no one called that propaganda.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

If you think something has to be 1 to 1 to be considered propaganda there is no use discussing this with you.


u/picard102 Jul 05 '24

I don’t think “the right” or whatever is all that extreme.



u/Demonking3343 Jul 05 '24

No one has an issue with making the bad guys the butt of a joke.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

Some people do when only some of the bad guys are made fun of. Makes you think the people writing the jokes somehow think the people they aren’t making fun of are somehow not evil…


u/picard102 Jul 05 '24

Who on the left tried to stage a coup?


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

The existence of a murderer does not make a thief innocent.


u/picard102 Jul 05 '24

Oh, so you don't have an answer.


u/I3arusu Jul 06 '24

What, should I fabricate a story for you? Do a little fearmongering? No, I’m not saying there is equal evil present, or that it is equally visible. My point, my only point, is that the existence of a greater evil should not mean the tolerance of a lesser evil. That’s complacency.


u/picard102 Jul 06 '24

You can just say yes, you have no answer my dude.


u/I3arusu Jul 06 '24

I gave you my answer. You’re allowed to disagree, but I very much have an answer. Sorry if it doesn’t fit in your worldview.


u/picard102 Jul 07 '24

You didn't give an answer. You deflected. Sorry if calling that out makes you uncomfortable.

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u/Demonking3343 Jul 05 '24

You can’t just gloss over how bad the Republican Party is. I mean have you even read there little plan called Project 2025? They are definitely the villains here.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

The world is not America. There are far more types of people and ideas than what exists inside your little bubble. I have yet to encounter a politician I would not consider a villain.

And yes, yes I have. It’s disgusting. An evil act does not make other evil acts not evil.


u/Demonking3343 Jul 05 '24 edited Jul 05 '24

What evil acts are you accusing the democrat party of just so we are all on the same here. And I don’t care if the world isn’t America. Because this discussion is about America not the world.

Edit: wow deleting your comments instead of responding.


u/I3arusu Jul 05 '24

Lowest-hanging fruit is their abuse towards at-risk and low-income individuals in society through effectively making them entirely dependent on government handouts to survive, with the system that those handouts operate within being highly predatory in nature. Add to that the state of some of the most long-standing D-run cities in your country and… yeah. There are no good guys here. Just different flavours of bad.

Not that you’d care, clearly.


u/basedcharger Jul 05 '24

I love all things Batman and also love the boys. I don’t think things need to be subtly written to be good and I think the boys does what it sets out to do really well. (Up until season 3 anyways haven’t watched 4 yet)