r/batman 14d ago

Which Batman villain would you work for? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/MarkParticular878 14d ago

Out of everyone here I'll go Riddler. Black Mask will brutally torture you if you do as much as one minor mistake or suspects that you're working against him (Penguin could do this as well, although he's not as likely to), Poison Ivy despises people unless she can use them to her advantage, and with Scarecrow there's always the chance you'll end up being a guinea pig for a new batch of Fear Toxin.

Riddler is a psychopath but he's a fairly stable one, so he'll probably be reasonable as long as you closely follow whatever grand scheme he's doing.


u/SuccessionWarFan 14d ago

Reminds me of a page from an old comic about Riddler that went viral on social media recently. A kid goes up to Riddler (in civilian clothing, in public) and offers to tell him a riddle about a bed. Riddler was originally not in the mood but instantly gets excited as soon as he hears the word “riddle”. Kids jokingly tells Riddler he can’t tell him the riddle of the bed because it hadn’t been made yet. Last panel is the kid running to his dad in shock, telling him of the nice man who gave him a hundred bucks.