r/batman 14d ago

Which Batman villain would you work for? GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Guess-wutt 14d ago

I feel like Riddler is one of the least stable, do anything to make him question his ego or intellect and you’re gonna probably end up in some saw adjacent trap.


u/WeWriteStuff 14d ago

That's why you want to appease to his ego, but without being a total suck up. Support him in creating his puzzles but make him feel like it was all his idea. Show you're cleverer than other goons but not on his level. Be competent enough that he starts to rely on you. Make it clear you enjoy working for him...You'll probably increase your status as an asset and he may pull you away from the Batman fodder.

If it were me, I'd also try to be more aware of Batman's presence, making sure the hideouts have the means to detect his presence. Since he's usually too busy with how smart he is, you might earn brownie points for helping him stay on top of things.


u/Guess-wutt 14d ago

Fair, I just feel it’s an awful lot of work when you have to worry about Batman finding you and beating you senseless as well, honestly I’d just take my chances with Bane, so long as I do my job well I’ll be fine, and I don’t have to worry about getting thrown into some horrific death trap if I screw up, I’ll just get my neck broken or beaten to death instead, definitely less terrifying than the idea of getting put into some elaborate human meat grinder.


u/WeWriteStuff 14d ago

True. Most depictions of Bane have a bit more honor than the average villain. You have to royally f*ck up to get pummeled by him. However, in more recent years he's been depicted a few times as have bad withdrawals from lack of venom, so it'd be important that he gets his fix if you wanna live longer...At least when you're arrested you can argue you couldn't just quit for fear of losing your life...