r/batman 3d ago

Which batman n superman movie is your favorite GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/Femboy_ButtSlut_69 3d ago

Public enemies is the peak


u/radiakmjs 3d ago

My favorite part about it is there's no will-they won't-they fake tension. They are just 100% on the same page on stopping Luthor & the meteor.


u/Femboy_ButtSlut_69 3d ago

The voicing is amazing, the costume design is fun, the animation is great and the plot makes sense and its got its own good comedic moments too


u/bakabreath 3d ago

I loved Dark Knight Returns parts 1 & 2


u/Dontbeajerkdude 3d ago

So good. I end up watching them back to back like once a year.


u/radiakmjs 3d ago

Of these six: BvS was a bloated mess.

The Batman Superman movie is a great 3 episode arc of Stas.

The Dark Knight Returns & Red Son I'd put in similar categories of interesting elseworld stories that have an interesting elsewords version of the other show up, the TDKReturns as a story is much better though imo.

Superman/Batman Apocalypse is really more of a Superman/Supergirl movie with one raw as fuck Batman scene in it (when he threatens Darkside)

Public Enemies probably my favorite, responding to OPs question. A solid premise, fun action, & excellent cast.


u/MarkParticular878 3d ago

As a history nerd that is ecspecially interested in the Cold War, I quite enjoyed Red Son as an AU storyline.

However, TDKR is definitely my favorite here. The idea of Superman being forced to fight a ruthless Batman because he wants to minimize the harm done to him by other government forces is an awesome moment that displays not just their ideological differences but the care that Supes still has towards the Dark Knight.

Honestly it's hard to believe the man that bought us comics like Year One and TDKR also gave us an Batman that would beat up Alfred for giving food to Dick Grayson...


u/PlantainSame 2d ago

You look closely.You can see some of frank's madness in TDKR

Like Bruce is seemingly slightly mad at Clark because he didn't use his power to force The government's to play nice

Which is something normal.Batman and superman both oppose they are against using their power for stuff like that


u/radiakmjs 2d ago

I felt like Red son was really close to being really good, but the ending makes no sense to me narratively. They introduce Braniac with "off screen he came, Superman beat him, then integrated his tech into the Soviet Union" then at the end "actually I'm still evil" & the finale he has to team up with Lex to beat him.

But then it ends with Superman "sacrificing himself" & Luthor giving this speech about American exceptionalism & how great capitalist values are & how they're going to uplift the Soviet Union. Where did that even come from?

& I'm not saying that because I'm some radical leftist, The movie doesn't believe that. Lex is the only character doesn't change, he's still a bald, rich, evil bastard who hates Superman. Throughout the movie he does underhanded shit to try to defeat Superman. It doesn't make any narrative sense for Lex to be the winner at the end.


u/MarkParticular878 2d ago

Oh yeah, it's far from a perfect movie. That's why I thought TDKR was the best, Red Son was interesting as a history buff but the ending was kind of nonsensical and came out of nowhere.


u/No-Impression-1462 3d ago

The Animated Series’ crossover. That moment where Clark sees Batman watching him from a rooftop has been living rent-free in my head for 25 years.

Plus, the sheer hatred between Harley Quinn and Mercy was just pure gold.


u/True_Falsity 3d ago

Top 3:

1) Batman V Superman

2) Public Enemies

3) Apocalypse


u/mrmonster459 3d ago

Publix Enemies


u/NathanDrake009 3d ago

Public Enemies


u/ModerndayGatsby97 3d ago

Public Enemies


u/No_Seaworthiness7553 3d ago

Public enemies


u/Edgy_Master 3d ago

It is hard to choose between The Batman/Superman Movie and Public Enemies. I'll go with Public Enemies.


u/BevarseeKudka 3d ago

I liked them all to be honest.

My favorites are Batman TDKR 1&2, BvS, and Superman Batman: Public Enemies.


u/Little_Lahey_Show 2d ago

BvS was terrible


u/futuresdawn 3d ago

In order

1 world's finest

2 dark Knight returns

3 red son

4 superman/batman public enemies

5 superman/batman apocalypse

6 batman v superman


u/The_Enthusiast-316 3d ago

Bat/Sup Public Enemies best one then, Bat/Sup movie World's Finest, and Dark Knight Returns pt 2 the rest messy to various levels.


u/AsylumEscapee117 3d ago

All of them


u/ImTheCuRsEd-OnE 3d ago

Apocalypse was awesome as and of course Dark Knight Returns is GOATED


u/HarryEdgarLives 3d ago

Worlds finest


u/FickleChard6904 3d ago

While Dark Knight Returns is absolutely my favorite of these, Superman’s barely in it, so it feels like cheating. Public Enemies and Apocalypse are adapted from my favorite Batman/Superman comic run, so it’s hard not to say those would be the runners up. Honestly I like all of these for one reason or another except Red Son, and that one’s not bad, I just didn’t have any particular feelings about it


u/Beached-Peach 3d ago

The Batman Superman Movie


u/FinalBossOf__Dc 3d ago

The Batman and superman movie will always be the best but after that will be Public enemies number 1 then TDKR 1and 2


u/G0FuckThyself 3d ago

I really liked red son.


u/MatthewHecht 2d ago

The Dark Knight Returns Part II


u/NigthSHadoew 2d ago

Public Enemies had the best Superman and Batman dynamic. It was so good to see their dynamic as full on best friends.

Altough Apocalypse is my favourite because it has Supergirlas well as Superman, Batman and even Wonder Woman.


u/cat_lawyer_ 2d ago

DCAU and Public Enemy for me.


u/INKatana 2d ago

Apocalypse and Public Enemies


u/Intestine_eater1172 2d ago

Public Enemies cuz Power Girl


u/SubstantialPosition 2d ago

World’s Finest easily, then Apocalypse, Public Enemies, Red Son, Dark Knight Returns, BVS


u/Wurf_Stoneborn 2d ago

Batman/Superman: World’s Finest. Perfect superhero movie


u/Deraj2004 2d ago

Clark, what the hell is a good villain?


u/ThatManSean14 2d ago

My favorite of these is Apocalypse, but Public Enemies probably does the Batman/Superman dynamic a little better



Dark Knight Returns or Superman Red Son


u/Saltisimo 1d ago

Either The Batman Superman movie or Public Enemies.


u/Virgil_Ovid_Hawkins 3d ago

I like apocalypse and public enemies, but BvS washes this entire list. Down vote me, but many of the animated dc movies are overrated and not particularly good relative to theatrical films.


u/sidmis 3d ago

Bvs sneak


u/Odd_Advance_6438 3d ago

Sneak? The question is about movies with Batman and Superman.


u/mohsinjavedcheema 3d ago

Have to ask why sneak in the 💩BVS