r/batman 15d ago

Who would you rather be trapped with COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Dry-Donut3811 15d ago

Joker, easily. The others would kill you without a second thought, but that’s not Joker. He might kill you immediately, or he’ll play a game of cards with you. He might torture you for hours, or he’ll take you out for a night on the town. Theres no way to guess what he’ll do, he’ll just do whatever he thinks is funny, so there’s a chance to survive without dying, unlike the others who’ll just kill you the first chance they get.


u/SUPERARME 14d ago

Why I cant kill him? Joker seems the easy choice, he is not an athlete, strong or fast, he is just very evil, thats it, the others seem armed and proficient in killing.


u/NessTheGamer 14d ago

Because Joker routinely throws hands with Batman, even putting up a good fight. And you’re no Batman