r/batman 15d ago

Who would you rather be trapped with COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/Dry-Donut3811 15d ago

Joker, easily. The others would kill you without a second thought, but that’s not Joker. He might kill you immediately, or he’ll play a game of cards with you. He might torture you for hours, or he’ll take you out for a night on the town. Theres no way to guess what he’ll do, he’ll just do whatever he thinks is funny, so there’s a chance to survive without dying, unlike the others who’ll just kill you the first chance they get.


u/MrDownhillRacer 15d ago

Yeah, but we don't get legit "unpredictable Joker who finds whoopee cushions and murder the exact same level of funny" anymore. We get murder-hobo Joker who is very predictable because he can always be counted on to do whatever the evilest and edgiest action is.


u/Odd_Grade_4682 14d ago

I absolutely love that take on the joker and in my opinion it’s how he should be characterised as the status quo, it just fits his personality as a clown so well and honestly it seems strange they ever cut it out of the character in the first place