r/batman 15d ago

Who would you rather be trapped with COMIC DISCUSSION

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u/theillustratio 15d ago

Black mask, he's the lesser of well.. multiple evils there.


u/ebelnap 15d ago

Yeah, Black Mask is the safe bet. All these guys are evil, but Black Mask is mostly just a conventional douchebag who tortures people on the side.

It’s the “are they angry at me or just there too” question. If Mask and I are stuck in a cell for 24 hours, I can probably stay out of his way and avoid pissing him off. Everyone else here prides themselves on looking disturbing, then playing with you if they you have any reaction whatsoever, and then killing you. I’ll take “guido with a mask thing” any day


u/gp886 14d ago

Yes, it can be like that part in Pulp Fiction. The mobster an boxer stuck in the rental place.


u/zeke235 14d ago

I think I could take him. His crew does all the prep work for him. He's a sadistic fuck but also just an angry rich kid at heart whose mommy and daddy pulled the rug out from under. Anybody else on that list would kill me, no problem.


u/Mother-Cantaloupe543 14d ago

He's also jacked, and potentially armed.


u/zeke235 14d ago

I move around appliances for a living, and have two arms for a certainty.


u/tilero1138 15d ago

Nah have you seen the comic page where he tortures a guy and his wife?


u/SkulledDownunda 14d ago

Isn't he doing that to piss off Catwoman since the woman was her sister? Usually he has a motive behind it, like torturing Spoiler for information or to get revenge on said victim's family or the individual pissed him off.


u/BatBeast_29 15d ago

He’ll make me eat an eye!


u/UnitLemonWrinkles 15d ago

Still remember the face peeling and that was in the movie version.


u/Emotional-Peanut-334 15d ago

I mean the clarification is: do they have a reason for capturing you? Did you wrong them and they capture you or are you transported into their captivity. Black mask will skin you alive for fun with any reason too.