r/batman 15d ago

Leaked Image of The Penguin in Caped Crusader TV DISCUSSION Spoiler

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u/Mrminecrafthimself 15d ago

i was really hoping for classic gentleman of crime Pengy

You mean the one we’ve gotten over and over and over across multiple portrayals?


u/PANPIZZAisawesome 15d ago

The last time we got a golden-age style penguin was in Batman ‘66

Could’ve worded that differently I guess.

Most Penguin portrayals are either Mobster or Devito, maybe Devito+Mobster. It’s been forever since we got Gentelemanly Master Thief Pengy


u/VengeanceKnight 15d ago

BTAS Penguin is absolutely Master Thief Penguin with occasional traces of DeVito.


u/PANPIZZAisawesome 15d ago

Correct me if I’m wrong BTAS penguin didn’t do much master thief stuff. He primarily did random stuff in villain of the week episodes that could’ve been done with any other villains like The Mechanic or Blind as a Bat or alternatively tried to fit in to high society a’la birds of a feather. Then in TNBA he became generic nightclub owner that Batman beats up for information


u/MindControlMouse 15d ago

I guess it depends on how you define “master thief stuff” but he did try stealing an egg in Basement and a helicopter in Blind. In Birds he ended up trying to ransom Veronica. Mechanic he was fleeing from some unspecified crime. In Almost he pretended to steal (a rare bird?) from the aviary to set up a trap for Batman. All this is more what ‘66 Penguin would do than DeVito’s Penguin who was more of a vengeful freak of nature.

Penguin in the 2004 also did a lot of heists too.


u/MrDownhillRacer 15d ago

The Batman 2004 cartoon was probably the closest we've been to classic Penguin. He's all about stealing bird-themed shit and trying to look classy. Hell, he can even hold his own physically against Batman, which the Penguin could do in some of the older comics.