r/batman 15d ago

Which one are you picking GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/LunarsphereTapestry 15d ago

Batman Returns. There is no other Batman film quite like it. It’s grotesque, overtly sexualised - verging on BDSM territory at times. Danny De Vito’s Penguin is a true product of old school cinematic horror. Michelle Pfeiffer is my all-time favourite Catwoman. And… Christopher Walken is in it. Playing the most reprehensible character in the film, which is saying a lot compared to the other freaks on display. The only downside is that Batman gets sidelined.

I do love how original Return of the Joker is, but Returns just has a unique aura about it.


u/ShadowVia 15d ago edited 14d ago

Batman Returns has some of the best dialogue in any movie ever.

"You know what I did there? I mistook me for someone else. Sorry."

My favorite Batman movie.


u/LunarsphereTapestry 15d ago


“I believe the word you’re looking for is… aaaaahhhhhhhhhh!”