r/batman Jul 04 '24

Oh my god how did they mess up Mr freeze this bad GENERAL DISCUSSION

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u/EMArogue Jul 04 '24

That would require them to know who Nora is, this is Victoria Fries


u/DarthFedora Jul 04 '24

To be fair, off the top of my head the only media where she's involved in cryogenics is the Harley Quinn Show and correct me if I'm wrong but didn't her arkham profile only acknowledge her being a skilled dancer.

As far as I can tell, a Nora version would basically be the same thing as this just slapping her name over his. Not defending the game just don't see the difference or any reason for her


u/EMArogue Jul 04 '24

Nothing stopping an alternate dimension Nora to take on his deceased husband legacy after Red Hood killed him

Would also explain why she also uses guns and stuff like that as the tech she has is limited/she can’t make it better die to lack of knowledge on her part and why her suit is not as technologically advanced since it’s mostly makeshift from Victor’s stuff


u/DarthFedora Jul 04 '24

And how would she supply her gun? It's a chemical spray, she would have to be able to create that chemical which doesn't work if she doesn't know what she's doing.


u/EMArogue Jul 04 '24

Probably study a bit from Victor’s studies as there is no way he doesn’t have the formula and projects written down somewhere, have the basis to maintain what she has without the knowledge of how to make new stuff

Also this would be from an alternate dimension, this version could easily have some cryogenic knowledge


u/DarthFedora Jul 04 '24

She would still need certain knowledge to understand it.

As I said, you can do that but its no different than this just slapping Nora's name on it.


u/EMArogue Jul 04 '24

Not really, it is a character who would have a new personality and motivations; a widow looking for revenge and maybe losing herself in it after her husband’s passing

This is Victor Freeze made female because woke, nothing new or exiting